Apparently, someone found what I am, a multipotentialite

in life •  9 years ago 

In my last post, I told about my youth, and a commenter helped me define myself.

This is my last post Once upon a time... and in this post I had as a feedback, that I may fit in this category of people, the multipotentialite.

It's quite interesting how in 12 minutes she told the story of my life, exactly how it happened.

What's this multipotentialite?

It's someone who can't establish a single relationship with just one knownledge.
As she said, I'm:

  • A fast learner
  • Adaptative
  • Idea synthetizer.

Apparently, I'm naturally born to be like this, an innovator, and for what it matters, a creative mind. Being a specialized it's not my job, and this world is literally subconsciously changing in that direction, creating fast jobs that changes pretty rapidly.

Nah, you are just crazy

Innovators are usually called crazy, because those are specialized in a single thing, and they couldn't realize it could be done because simply they couldn't imagine it.
How does a person think something that is been called as a witchery, or strange, now it's used everyday by anyone as a common tool?

Steemit is one example of a project founded by multipotentialite people

In a my older post that is not been considered I said, Steemit is a mix of things people didn't imagined before that could have been together. Steemit is a social platform, a collective of ideas, and a monetary rewarding. All even without advertising within the site.

I'm glad the founders of Steemit are multipotentialite

why? because if not steem would have just been another coin, with another idea in mind destined for a short amount of lovers of it.
If you think you are a multipotentialite, and feel alone or not able to accomplish nothing, just work on your passions and compile together what you learn and find whatever it may suits 2 or more things you learned in the past. I will create on a channel for people that feels this way.

You find it at #multipotentialite

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OMG I am a multipotentialite. This explains alot of things in my life, and if you look at my blog, you will see it there too in the things that post about. I have these sayings I use a lot..... " I know enough to be dangerous" and "I am a jack of all trades but a master of none." I have gone to quite a few different schools and had quite a few truly different and unrelated careers. Thanks for this @wisehammer
I also promoted this for you.
full $teem ahead!

Thank you I really, really appreciate it! you don't know how much I'm loving the fact people started believing in what I do, maybe It's becoming the good side of the year! Full Steem Ahead to you too!

Steemit comes from this. Steemit pivoted from Bitshares, and proved how experience from one field can be used to create innovation in other field:

Nevertheless, you can be a multipotentialite, but you have to be honest with yourself, and ask often: Am I really doing this as good as I can? If answer is "yes", then keep doing this regardless whether this will end up as your final passion or not!

You are completely right even for this point, I'm trying to melt all I know into a single giant bubble of ideas that probably one day will help me creating something exceptional.

This was a very nice post!
And of course I relate olso, even I am from Romania, a country that is very small and has different points of view, I as a person am open to new ideas and I want to experiment new things.
On a side note: I just like her voice!

You'll find warm welcome in chat on that channel

I think everyone have several passions. If you refuse to stick to one of those, you'll discover a new world :D

COOL !!!!! +1
Describes MY life for 55 yrs !!!!
TED Talks FTW !