in life •  7 years ago 

Human beings can be classified under two categories in life: high and low flying birds.
The people under the low flying bird category, are those who limit themselves.
These people always see the disadvantages of things, more than the advantages. They hate the word called risk, not knowing that it is the key word to success.
On the other hand, high aimers ( high flying birds) look at life from any possible angle. They are the ones that say ''YES'', when everything around them says ''NO''. Knowing fully well that life can give them what they want if focus and determination is their watchword.
Seeing life from the eye of low flying birds, is like looking at a small area and concluding that things just happen. imageBut the high flight birds look at the versed opportunities that life has to offer and see no obstacle that can hinder them from achieving any set goal.
So which one are you?.
Aim high and stay focused because no height is unattainable when you don't underrate yourself.
Always tell yourself these words '' I CAN DO IT ''.

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I really like this post wizzyflex2! keep it up!