Back to reality

in life •  6 years ago 

Hello friends,

I believe I need a holiday to recover from my holiday. My last post was on the way back on board the airplane from Dubai to Zürich, which is almost 48 hours ago and I'm sorry for the silence, but I'm completely exhausted.

I will write more detailed posts about my experiences in the near future, once I'm a bit more fit again, but at the moment I'm working on a few other priorities now that I'm back in real life, the one thing is off course the job-hunt and the other is getting to grips with everyday life again. Holidays are fantastic, but now the prospect of not having a job is looming closer.

Today was my first day back in the office and the experience has fully drained me and to make matters worse, I started getting pains in my back the moment I sat back in those sh*t IKEA-chairs and desks, if my body wasn't suffering enough from trying to adjust to going from 33 degrees to barely 10 degrees here back home at the moment.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-03 um 20.55.23.png
Ikea job interview, Image Source: Canary Pete

To top it off, the kids are also feeling the effects of this weather change on top of their little internal clocks re-adjusting slowly to the normal routine, so we're all struggling, on edge and dealing with it in our own ways.

I have lots to share with you, pictures, stories and even some videos, but for now I'm leaving it at this as I hope you will forgive me if I'm not posting that much in this period as I do have some other things to take care off first.

With regards to the April Competition, I haven't forgotten about it, however due to the same reasons as above I have had no time to look at all the entries and decide on a winner. I hope I will be able to do so next week and at the same time I might even launch a new competition, so stay tuned.

Thank you for bearing with me and I'll give a sign of life as soon as possible.


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Funny image! I love it! Hahaha

So funny hahahahahaa @wofje

I liked your writing. I want to be your friend. thank you @wolfje

I can understand, the cold shower, of returning home, work and everyday life....holidays are so much better, they are the silver lining on the clouds :)
