Making light of the Situation

in life •  6 years ago 

Dear friends,

I feel I have some explaining to do for the lack of posts and the quality of the posts that I did do over the recent days. I have been extremely busy and stressed out, besides my obligations towards my family and trying to keep up with my marathon training schedule I also had 2 interviews to prepare and attend this week.

Competition Update

For those of you who have participated in the Logo Design Competition @felander, @sirwries and I have to decided on a winner out of 4 remaining entries, however we haven't seen each other since last Thursday, so our apologies for the delay, but we are close to deciding and announcing the winner. Here are all the accepted entrants one more time:

@suheri, @aauthespian1, @kutedo, @rosiconde07, @suheri, @jo5h, @soulart, @marlon241982, @cetb2008, @iqbalridha, @netcy, @enderson49, @artanddesign, @gisel, @lisbethseijas, @roldamn, @suheri, @resteempower, @georgechuks, @jesdn16, @dianita, @amirdesaingrafis, @rosama, @ivannewgate89, @fajri.jauhari93, @johanmartinez, @munadikiehl

I am certain most of you know what comes looking into attending job interviews, besides going over the description and preparing yourself with questions and ensuring you don’t come across as stupid, you also want to ensure you look the part and there’s a certain set of nerves playing up as well … if you’re really excited about a role.

This week

Not the ideal preparation for me

On Monday I had to travel to Frankfurt for the first interview of the week. Frankfurt is approximately 400 kilometers away from where I live. Now I could’ve opted to fly, but the route Zürich – Frankfurt is quite expensive, I could’ve gone by train, but that’s also an expensive ticket and as I’ll be unemployed as of the end of the month I had to do this cost effective. Therefor I decided to drive the distance.

Ask anyone and you’ll find out that this route is horrible, there are approximately 3 pieces on the motorway where they do roadworks and then you have to pass a few big cities where you can get stuck in traffic. For those reasons alone I gave myself plenty of extra time and left my home at 4:45AM to be in time for my appointment at 10:30AM, quick math that’s 5 hours and 45 minutes for a route that normally takes about 4 hours and 30 minutes, even with traffic and roadworks.

’… I guess it just wasn’t meant to be!’

Everything went smooth and I barely faced any disruption underway, until 20 kilometers away from my final destination in Frankfurt. I got stuck in one of the worst traffic jams I have ever been stuck in and despite still having enough time, I knew that I wasn’t going to make it in time for my interview. So an hour before the interview was supposed to take place I already started trying to call them, however they must’ve been in another interview as I didn’t get hold of them. I tried again a bit later, but when that failed as well I sent them an email.

Me on Monday in the traffic jam ... not amused!!!

15 minutes before the interview was due to take place they called me and we realised that I would never make it in time. They told me they would be waiting for me and in the worst case we would have to cut it a bit short. All the while I had to use the toilet, so you can imagine how I felt by the time I arrived half an hour late …

The lady in reception was already expecting me, but I asked her to hold off notifying them until I’d been to the toilet. When we finally started I felt to nervous and stressed that all my preparations were out of the window. I really hope that I made a good impression, regardless as the position is really cool but at the moment I’ll just have to wait and see.

Image Source:

On Tuesday I went to the Game of Thrones in Concert event in the evening and as I’d booked a VIP package I was there quite early already. Due to the error on my own part of not charging my phone during the day I had to hold myself back overusing it, so I couldn’t film too much or take too many pictures, let alone post anything as I’d even switched my data-usage off. This payed off as I do have some cool pictures and videos from the concert which I’ll share in a different post and at the end of the evening I had 1% battery left.

Yesterday I had another packed day with an early physio session, followed by a run home and then another job interview. This one was much better, I was much better prepared, but it was only with the HR person and she just went through the motions, so I can’t really say how that one went. I also managed to get another 3 job applications out yesterday for some really cool positions, so fingers crossed!!!

Another thing that is going to occupy my time over the next week and a half is that I'm going to do a Business Analysis Course (ECBA) online over 4 days, 4 hours each. This will be finished off with an exam that should give me an official accreditation for my skills and knowledge in this field, something that's very important in Switzerland.

This is just a snapshot of what’s keeping me occupied at the moment. I would love to pickup my duties for @smartsteem and @steemtradecards again, but at the moment I just don’t have the physical time to do anything else but working, applying for jobs, attending interviews and ensuring that my family don’t get neglected.

Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding with me and I will do my best to pick up my duties and responsibilities once my life is back on track. @kus-knee, @airmatti, @therealwolf, I hope you understand and please bear with me whilst I try to get my life back on track.

In the mean time if everyone can cross their fingers for me or pray ... or even better if someone has a job for me ... I'm your man!!!

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Keep running and stay fit!


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I'm getting curious about the logo and I wish you the best about your interview! Don't worry, we were all busy in this period, I just hope we can be back on track soon!