The mental strategy to get what you want

in life •  6 years ago 

The "Law of Attraction" and its derivatives speak of imagining something that you strongly desire , of acting as if you had achieved it, and shortly "the Universe" will do everything to obtain it. Basically, what gives reality to this proposal is to anchor the thought in a concrete objective, so that you put all your resources in finding the way to achieve it, even when you work in parallel thinking.

The above is not bad, however, it is incomplete . That is why many people get frustrated when they practice the "Law of Attraction", since it did not work for them. When this happens they keep looking for books and seminars on the subject to know how to do it correctly.

"Your worst enemy can not harm you as much as your own thoughts. Neither your father, nor your mother, nor your dearest friend can help you as much as your own disciplined mind. " -Buddha-

The value of mental strategy

As I say below, I am not adept at this proposal but I did find a meaning that can facilitate the path towards what we want. The key is to think beyond what we want to achieve and how we want to do it. And in this way, using a correct mental strategy is essential.

The human mind is tremendously complex and often comes to her thoughts that limit the action: "very nice proposal, yes, but I think I will not be able to do", "I do not think I'll get this at this time", "I'm too tired to do this task . " They are just some examples of limiting thoughts that come to our mind all the time and frustrate us.

In these cases we forget something very important with what we all have: imagination and creativity . Using these two resources we can achieve what we want or at least imagine how to do it, as if it were a project and develop it.

That is probably the best part, because as I said in an post on happiness, the important thing is not the goal but the path we walk towards it and how we travel, so we can learn new things about us and our resources.

The route is the key because if the goal is not given today, at least we tried and learned a lot to keep trying.

Avoid thoughts that limit

We have indicated only a first way to implement the mental strategy. The second (you can invest if you like) is, as the sage of the movie El guerrero pacífico says , "take out the trash." That's what it means when those limiting thoughts and fears , sometimes unfounded, come to mind , that paralyze us to get to what we want. If we recognize and face these thoughts, we grow and the fears will diminish until we are free to act.

The last key is, as I said in another post, is to live all the time (or as much as we can) looking at the present . Being in the "here and now" is going to help us enjoy this stretch of the route and take away fears about what might happen in the next section.

This is the mental strategy that I propose, but as I always say, each one will know how to adapt it to himself, to his resources and objectives . But, basically, the important thing is to eliminate those thoughts that limit our abilities.

"The chains of slavery only tie hands: it is only that which makes man free or slave." -Franz Grillparzer-

I wait they have liked my publication! Kisses...

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