The technique of 10-10-10 to make decisions

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

The most interesting thing about the 10-10-10 technique is that it helps to make decisions that could be painful or annoying, but that in the long term benefit us in terms of personal growth.

The 10-10-10 technique is a method specially designed to make complicated decisions . That is, those kinds of decisions in which if you choose the path A, things can go right or wrong. The same goes for roads B and C. So, in a few words, you do not know what to do because there is no factor that tilts the balance somewhere.

For those complex decisions sometimes the old trick of the list of pros and cons is not enough. That's when the 10-10-10 technique is useful. This method was invented by Suzy Welch , a journalist specializing in economics in the United States , who is already famous for her publishing successes.

Welch studied in detail the functioning of the brain during decision making. He found that there is a very important fault , which is called hyperbolic discount . In short, it means that we behave as if the future does not exist. For example, we eat junk food, as if we were not accumulating an illness. To neutralize this bias, the 10-10-10 technique was created.

How does the 10-10-10 technique work?

The 10-10-10 technique begins with the formulation of the question that gives rise to the complex decision. The first, then, is to clearly define what is the problem to be solved or what is the decision that should be taken . For example, should I change jobs? Is it time to have a child? Is it better to leave the country?

The more accurate you are in defining the question , the easier you will be able to make an informed decision . The picture becomes clearer when we know exactly what is the essential element of a problem or the variables that maintain it.

What follows is to gather information. This can be done through reading, conversation or any other means at hand. What is intended is to identify the main ways to solve the problem or solve the conflict. The objective? Answer three simple questions: what will be the consequences of each of my options in ten minutes? And in ten months? And in ten years?

The three times

The 10-10-10 technique should not be assumed strictly literally. That is, you do not necessarily have to ask for ten minutes, or ten months, or ten years. This is simply a didactic way to illustrate the operation of the method. What is sought is to look at the situation in terms of the immediate , medium and long term .

The first moment refers to the consequences that a decision can have right now, at the precise moment in which it is taken. The second moment refers to when the decision has already been made and throws its first consequences. And the third moment has to do with the remote future and the effects that the decision will have over time .

It's called the 10-10-10 technique simply because Susy Welch wanted to use this name as a mantra. However, what he alludes basically is the moment of exaltation (or decision making), at a later time and at the time when everything is said and done.

The analysis

Once the three times have been visualized, using the 10-10-10 technique, an additional analysis is carried out. This should involve the information that has been collected, the options that have been visualized, the beliefs, goals, dreams and needs. Welch points out that at this point you have to ask a specific question: what is the option that helps me take more control over my own life?

The answer to that question is the final factor in making the decision. That which guarantees greater coherence with the plan of life is the most appropriate . Many people are surprised of the final result, since it is usual that this process brings out fears, or desires that were not very clear.

Not always at the end of the process do people come to a happy conclusion. Sometimes decisions involve resignations or losses. However, if the method was applied properly, a sense of relief will also emerge . Once the path that leads to personal evolution is discovered, a greater willingness to project energies there is also born.

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