It's Gotta Be This Or That - Easy Decision Making

in life •  3 years ago 

The It's Gotta Be This or That philosophy is simple and easy to apply. Essentially, you have two choices: You can either choose to flip a coin, or you can choose to do something else. Whichever you choose, you know that it's got to be the best choice. When you have to make a difficult decision, you can use the It's Gotta Be This or That method to make it easier on yourself.

This decision making process begins with the process of letting go of things you consider "okay." Then, you must strive for great things and let go of the things that aren't good enough. That means gaining clarity about your values and goals and then releasing the things that no longer serve you. When you've done this, you will find yourself with more space, more freedom, and more quiet.

Using the It's Gotta Be This or That approach to decision making is a good way to stay grounded and avoid getting too excited by a choice. Taking time to evaluate all your options will ensure that you are making the right decision. This approach will help you make decisions and stick to them. You'll be more likely to make wise decisions in the future. You can start by choosing what's right for you and your family.

While the process of making decisions is generally simple and straightforward, it's important to remember that you can always undo them. That means that it's vital to be aware that you can undo a decision. Moreover, you don't want to harass a stranger or get your husband to read brochures to make his decision for you. Ultimately, a good decision is never the easiest one to make.

The best decisions are the ones that make you feel good. Don't let the thought of choosing the wrong option stop you from following your heart. You'll end up regretting the decision in the long run. You won't be able to reverse the decision, even though you'll be more satisfied. So, don't forget to trust your instincts! They're more reliable than you think.

Despite the fact that decision making isn't always easy, it's often very beneficial. After all, you don't need to make a decision if you don't want to! And you can easily undo your decisions if necessary. And if you're not sure what's right for you, just use your instinct. Don't make a decision that you'll regret later.

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Yes! Decision making is a very important aspect to life: both indirect decisions like choosing to do the same thing everyday or direct decisions like choosing to move to a new area.