Self-esteem What is yours?

in life •  7 years ago 

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Self-esteem is built on the basis of experiences we have had in the course of our lives, from childhood to adolescence, where it is most developed, since in this period young people begin to see and know their qualities and skills.

It is said that people can have low or high self-esteem, stable or unstable depending on the value that comes to give of themselves, their thoughts, feelings and personal experiences. Today we will talk a little about each of the different combinations: D

Low selfsteem
It occurs in those people who have a negative self-concept, are shy, negative, feel insecure or dissatisfied with their life, come to have a very low level of sensitivity when they make a criticism; they depend a lot on other people to perform some tasks or jobs, they think they are ugly and no one will accept them.
People with low self-esteem, have serious communication problems, because they are very shy and feel shame for not being able to express what happens inside them, this makes it significantly affect their life, their personal relationships and work, they always walk seeking the approval of others when they do something important.

It is said that low self-esteem is based more on beliefs than on facts, which can be modified to change it, since these beliefs change throughout life according to the experiences of each person.

Low and stable self-esteem
Here are individuals who have a very low concept of themselves, are undecided, have great fear of making mistakes, do not strive to change their personal image, have depressive tendencies because they always have a very negative concept of themselves.

They do not change their mentality even if something positive happens in their lives, because they believe that everything that happens to them is due to luck or chance.

Low and unstable self-esteem
People with this type of self-esteem are characterized by being very sensitive and influenced by external events, because when something goes well they feel happy and their self-esteem rises but as soon as the euphoria of the event passes their self-esteem falls into a tailspin.

High self-steem
Here the person is sure of himself, he has great confidence to achieve great projects, because everyone undertakes them with great positivism, they are not afraid of changes in their lives, they are independent, they are not afraid of failure, they are proud of her achievements, in most of the occasions she feels motivated, many times her attitude can be associated with a feeling of self-centeredness.

High and stable self-esteem
People with this type of self-esteem are self-confident, communicative and they are not affected by any type of external event, since they always operate in an open manner.

High and unstable self-esteem
Individuals have a very high self-esteem, but are unable to keep it balanced, because the context that surrounds them is often very competitive and generates constant changes in their character, they do not accept that they are given a different point of view, they respond with attitude criticism of failure.
We must recognize our shortcomings, but also our abilities and virtues; Emphasize all the good that we have and we have achieved.

Always think positive, change the "I can not" with "I will try" and "I will achieve it"

Putting realistic goals, which are easy to achieve in the short term and go increasing in complexity, do not blame us if we fail, because we will learn from our mistakes so as not to commit them again when trying the next time.

Do not compare ourselves with others, because in doing so, the only thing we will achieve is to feel miserable, because each person is different.

Accept yourself as you are, make constructive criticisms of yourself, taking into account all that is good and accepting the bad that we have, only this way we will be able to change our low self-esteem.

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