The United States (and the Rest of the Western World) is Built Upon Pure Bullshit... Prove Me Wrong!

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)

In the USA, just hours after we're born, we're presented with a formal contract that our parents sign. It's our Birth Certificate, Certificate of Live Birth, whatever you prefer to call it. It marks us as property of the state and eventually leads to the issuance of a social security number. This number is our marker - it is basically our personal bar code which will be utilized throughout our future to track and control us, determine our credit worthiness - and soon our social worthiness - which is another story in itself. Within the first 48 hours of our lives, we're in an incubator more than we're in our mother's arms, we're stabbed with needles containing chemicals, animal DNA and heavy metals, and we're unknowingly entered into a contract that determines us, essentially, as property of the state.


When we reach roughly 5 years old, we officially enter our journey into the establishment. It has a cute name at this point; Kindergarten.

Throughout our years of government mandated programming we are indoctrinated with false history, various ideologies (always state-sponsored or at least in line with their intents and initiatives), and a completely false "understanding" of how the world really works.

By the time we reach high school, we're not only opinionated teens dealing with puberty, sex, the indtroduction of drugs, and an array of social and status issues - but we're also alarmingly opinionated about our beliefs. Beliefs.... Hold onto that word for a second and let it resonate.

We're so concerned about labels, beliefs, ideals, and which category we fall into that we fail to ever ask the larger and more important questions. We fail to question our freedom, because school has already programmed us to believe we're free - it's not just an idea, we KNOW we're free. Just like we know it's important to vote, to go to college, to get a great job, and achieve success - which, by the way is defined solely by your social status and/or ability to acquire materials. There is no need to question anything, because after 12 long years, our hard drive has been coded and finely tuned to operate within a specific system. The hard drive I'm speaking of is our brain, of course. The system is the establishment itself. It's a system of beliefs - nothing more, nothing less.

This belief system is so heavily embedded into our psyche, that we have a hard time being open-minded to anything unfamiliar to society as a whole. Social pressures are immense from our early teens to our mid-twenties, and we tend to go with the flow because after all, we're all running the same program and living in the same system. Should one of your peers try to find a flaw in the system or hack their programming, it's seen as utterly ridiculous.

Let's take a quick example. "Are you republican or democrat?" Anyone at age 18 should be able to tell you their answer. They've spent time making the decision, based purely on what resonates with them. However, the opportunity presented for choice is extremely limited. The school, your teachers and professors, your parents, the TV, social media, etc. - it all enforces the official programming so effectively that 99% of people can give you a quick and empty answer as to which political party they support. Maybe 10% of those will answer with a semi-unsure response, but half of them will do so from confusion, and the other half out of sheer ignorance.

We use this belief system to build our whole lives. To prove ourselves to our peers, family, and to society. We vote because we don't know any better. We sign for student loans handed out like free candy by predatory lenders because we have to - because we're uninformed, and because we just want to be successful. If we knew better, we'd think twice. Unfortunately, most don't. We jump into mortgages, marriages, and a life of debt-slavery before we're old enough to realize that we're not teens anymore, and that life is not so easy. That job we landed thanks to our expensive education doesn't pay what we imagined, and while it covers the bills, there's nothing left for savings. There would plenty of room for savings, but the program insists that we spend whatever we earn, so that we can have a sense of success and pleasure. It's a constant struggle. Few are able to save easily and consistently.


By the time we hit 30 or 35, we're displeased with the system, and so we beg for a new ruler. He preaches on a podium about what he'll deliver. It never comes to fruition, but you can guarantee he'll give you a reason - and the reason is because the ruler before him and the other political party are making his efforts difficult. This makes you identify more deeply with your beliefs, and sometimes even causes people to switch their beliefs, but almost always for a belief that's within the limits of "what's acceptable" within society and that operating system we live in. We become bothered, angered, distressed, hateful, even furious with others who have never done us any harm for no other reason than their beliefs don't align with our own. We believe and know that we're free, but we're not - we're prisoners to our minds and the false ideals that have been firmly planted in them since Kindergarten. We believe we're free, but we hate others for their choices - and that means we don't respect their freedom, therefore, we're not believers in freedom at all. We're just bigots, hypocrites and adult children who can't agree on who our "parents" (leaders or political party) should be. We work hard, and we wait in vain for the leaders to deliver change, to help us, to put us on the right path as a whole. However, the day never arrives.

We see wars. We see violence committed by the state more than violence committed by individuals. We see anyone who disagrees with the status-quo either labeled as an outcast or even imprisoned. We see the media and the establishment run over any and all competition will the full force of their system and our programming allows us to believe and accept this behavior as a totally acceptable operation. We're even programmed with excuses to support the operating system, even if it harms us and our loved ones directly. Does it ever end? Do we ever stop waving a flag and believing that people died for that flag? Nobody ever died for a flag. Maybe in their mind, and maybe in your mind, but that's just your belief, and the belief is not your own. Our sons and daughters have died at the hands of wealthy bankers, industrialists, and politicians who create conflict discreetly and then offer public resolutions - but the resolution is always war, and war is the most profitable business in the world, followed closely by drugs (both legal and illegal) which are often another beneficial aspect of war.

How long can I go on? How long can I continue and how many examples can I give you? The answer is, "how many do you need?" I can go on forever. There is no limit to the bullshit that our minds and societies are built upon. There is no end to the fake, deeply and intentionally falsified reality that we all live in.

Why do we hate Nazis and source Hitler so much when Stalin and Mao were more brutal and lethal, one-hundred-fold? Why is natural medicine thought of as laughable, when 90% of pharmaceuticals were conceived from and/or as a derivative of plant materials? Why does mainstream medicine scoff at indigenous peoples and label their medicines as absurd, when they are the very ones who taught scientists and literally created the future of medicine (unknowingly)? Why is it acceptable to enter a vocation without first traveling the world and exploring our options? Why are we so concerned with appearance but not substance? Why are most of the people who read this not going to comment on what I've wrote? Why will this article not catch anyone's attention? Why is your child more important than any other child, and why do you protect your child with all your ability, yet willingly pay taxes which are used to buy bullets that will be fired into the heads of women and children overseas? Maybe if the system promoted travel, you'd identify with other humans more than you identify yourself by your vehicle or the size of your home, or your family name...... ? Sadly, that's not the case.


So what is your end goal? To save so you can retire and travel the world? It's unlikely you'll be healthy enough to do so by then. Likewise, your interests and desires have changed since you began your debt slavery. You're probably too tired and afraid to do much once past the age of 50 or 55. You might make domestic road trips, or take watered-down vacations to Americanized resorts with fake versions of local cultures. You might venture to Europe for two-weeks, and spend a year talking about how amazing Paris was but did you actually learn about France? Do you know anything about London that you cannot find online? Your whole vacation was probably planned online - what about everyday Europe? Did you speak with the people about their thoughts and feelings and desires? Did you see what a 5 year old child knows in Denmark? Is it more or less than an American child? Is Mexico really 3rd world, or is the operating system just trying to keep you within a certain invisible boundary with its propaganda? Are Muslims the enemy, or is it the Jew? Is it the government who is the enemy, or it it simply man himself who is the perpetrator of all the world's perpetual evils?

Did I make you think, even for a minute, that maybe everything we think we know is wrong? Everything that we cherish and work towards is absolute bullshit? Is there any sense to my words, or is your programming flawless? Can you manipulate your calculative ability to allow yourself a peek outside of the operating system to learn a few new tricks? Can you live for yourself, your family, and your happiness without harming others - even if you harm others indirectly and/or without knowing????? Can you deprogram and hard reset into open-source? In its truest form, is your mind static, or responsive? Are you sure that your answer is correct and that it's correct for the right reasons?

Everything we know is bullshit. It's time to take a step back, realize that it's okay, admit we've been lied to, and begin to make forward movement. Human beings have accomplished great things, but we must progress. We are in a very factual state of regression and dependence. Awareness is the first step forward.

(images sourced from Pixabay)

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Lovely words my friend.

Thank you, thanks for reading!

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