What’s Your Take On Detergent-free Laundry Products?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

You must have come across those miraculous looking detergent-free eco-friendly laundry tricks. I first came to know about laundry ceramic balls from a classified advertisement website only 5-6 years back. I called up the advertiser out of curiosity to inquire the rate and the logic behind their working. Since, the laundry balls were imported from Europe, they were very costly but she told me that it’s only one time investment and it will clean all your laundry without any need to purchase a detergent ever. She invited me to her home to see how they actually work but couldn’t give any convincing explanation for why do they actually work.

Instead of going to her place, I decided to search about the reviews of such balls online. I found several positive reviews with people saying that these balls work as good as a detergent, needs very less water and are free from all toxic chemicals. But none of them could tell why they work.

Magnetic Laundry System

Today, I found another advertisement of Magnetic Laundry System where they sell you a pair of powerful magnetic discs. You just put them into your washing machine instead of detergent and wash your lot as you normally do with your detergent. And they come out clean and stain free. Again it looks unbelievable. But when I googled, I landed on some positive reviews of these products too. But they provide some pseudo-scientific explanation:

Since their magnets are 300 times more powerful than a normal refrigerator magnet, they ionize the water molecules and decrease the surface tension of water molecules.

Of course, this is the very logic on which soap functions. Soap or chemicals have no role in cleaning the clothes but to decrease the surface tension of water molecules which makes it easier to loosen the grip from grime and dust particles. It’s the water that actually do all the cleaning. But can magnetic force actually reduce the surface tension to that degree?

Yes, water is diamagnetic

I learned that water is not paramagnetic but diamagnetic. That means water is repelled by magnets but to such a small degree that it is hardly detectable by most instruments. So there shouldn’t be any noticeable effect on surface tension when using these magnetic laundry systems.

All these detergent-free laundry products viz. laundry balls, spheres, discs, magnetic balls, blue discs, and refillable balls with coloured liquid or “activated” water, ceramic material, uniquely designed shaped products offer no scientific explanation of their cleaning mechanism. They may talk about some pseudo-scientific explanations like the emission of far infra-red waves, precipitation of water molecules, reducing of surface tension, changing of molecular structure or “magnetizing” of water etc. These jargons are good to impress and influence the potential consumers’ mindset but actually have no role in enhancing the cleansing ability of water.

Then how come these products work?

Well, actually they don’t work. It’s the water that works. Actually, water is a very good solvent and if you try to clean your clothes in plain water, it will clean about 80 to 85% of its dirt.

Moreover, these products always recommend you using hot water for better cleaning experience. Now hot water is obviously a better solvent than cold water. So when using hot water in your washing machine, clothes comes out almost clean.

Would you call these products a scam?

After reading all these explanation, one may quickly jump in to call them a scam or a fraud business. Two decades back, even Amway used to sell one of these ceramic washing discs but later removed it from their catalogue citing “no measurable impact on overall cleaning”. You may argue that these products make a false claim to consumers about their efficiency which amounts to fraud.

But I feel that these products are doing a marvelous job in reducing the consumption of detergent, water and energy. Since there are consumers, who are using these products on a regular basis, we should also see the positive side of it.

These products are actually doing a wonderful job!

The marketers of these products do a wonderful job to expose the harmful effects of chemical laden detergents, bleaches and perfumes. They make perfectly educated statements when claiming:

  • Absence of any chemical in their product does not harm our environment.
  • Reduced water consumption as rinsing isn’t required
  • Protects sensitive customers from allergy, rashes and irritation of skin due to detergents
  • Lifelong product assures no packaging of detergent regularly goes to landfills.
  • Reduced energy consumption
  • Chemical-free cloths protect infusion of chemicals in our blood through skin.

So I consider these products just like Placebo in medicines. When a placebo can be sold to a patient claiming its healing properties, why should these environment-friendly products be termed as fraud? I think, we need more of such products 😊.

Realistic detergent-free washing options

If you are not convinced by my argument, you should use other natural washing options. My personal choices include:

  • Reetha soapnut
  • White Vinegar
  • Sodium bi carbonate
  • 3% Hydrogen per oxide
  • Borax
  • Lemon juice and leftover lemon peels.
  • Essential oils as perfume (if that really matter to you).

I think these should meet needs for an an average consumer. Today we are actually over-sanitising everything. Over-hygiene is making us weaker and vulnerable. And for a white collar workers with a sedentary job in an air-conditioned office, how much dirty can you get? Do we really need a detergent on a regular basis?

  • Do share your thoughts on the need of a chemical detergent. Do we really need it?

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Es un post, muy educativo, estamos acostumbrados a consumir lo que nos venden, cada dia salen mas marcas de detergentes, se sabe que son nocivos para la salud, (pero lo usamos) y para el medio ambiente ya que las aguas residuales llegan a los causes de los rios, los embases a los vertederos y no son biodegradables, pondre en practica tu consejo de usar detergente casero.
Reetha soapnut (esto no se como comprarlo)
Vinagre blanco
Bicarbonato de sodio
3% de hidrógeno por óxido
Zumo de limón y cáscaras de limón sobrantes.
todas estos productos son faciles de comprar, en Venezuela ya no se puede comprar muchas cosas, por lo costoso o porque no hay, Cariños y besos @xyzashu

Thanks for your interest! You can click on the Reetha soapnut link in the article for buying options. You may also like to read my earlier article on it here:


Excelente post que me recomendastes, del arbol magico, ese arbol no se cual es aca en mi pais, ya son 5 años que no usas detergente comercial, eso es muy bueno para tu salud y para la madre tierra, gracias por tu recomendacion, un fuerte pero cariñoso abrazo @xyzashu

आपके देश में कोई और ऐसा विकल्प अवश्य होगा. हर भौगोलिक क्षेत्र में प्रकृति ने अलग-अलग प्रकार के संसाधन तोहफों के रूप में दे रखे हैं. ज़रुरत है हमें उन्हें पहचानने और उपयोग में लेने की. आपकी चाह प्रबल है तो आपको कोई न कोई विकल्प भी अवश्य मिल ही जायेगा ...अपनी खोज ज़ारी रखें !

Nice post
My view is that the product is good but not available for less privilege.
Am wondering If the company can find a way of including the less privilege

Well, you only need some water and some fuel to heat it up. Hot water is more than enough if you are looking to buy this products.

I would call it scam only because of its look and i have trypophobia lol :D as your explaination, it does an excellent job, especially I don't have to think of using chemical to clean.

Well, there are many more designs and simpler ones like magnetic discs to spare you from trypophobia LOL!

If you can do away with all synthetic chemicals from your life, nothing can be better!

I actually never heard of these products until this thread. The only real way to know if it works is to buy it and try it. Its interesting as it eco-friendly along with providing convenience plus saves users money with long time use.

Why not just try it with hot water to check if that works with your washing machine? 😉

hello I hope that you are well, hey did not know anything of what you just explained in your publication, but I understood it, and believe me it seems to me with a lot of sense. Also I think the reason for removing these means that can supplant the detergent, is because the detergent is constantly spent and we must acquire more and more, while in other ways we would make an investment as you say and each account you should buy again? This would affect the industry and that is not positive for them. Greetings!
Ps: I do not think it's negative to stop using detergent

Yeah, you're right! Detergent needs to be bought regularly, fuelling consumption of chemicals and non-biodegradable packaging. It's good to reduce or stop using detergent and look for better alternatives.

Much informative post, @xyzashu... I had heard about these balls and discs earlier. But didn't had any idea or I never tried to know more about it. Thank you very much for sharing so many things....

Glad to know that you were not enticed by these balls and discs. You are wise to ignore such obviously scam looking ideas.

Hello @xyzashu, this phrase very particularly I call my attention:

*** "So I think these products are like Placebo in medicines" ***

Actually your publication calls a lot to the reflection, I think that by living in a consumer society, all those things, the use of perfumes, detergents, clothing, branded shoes, branded clothes, etc. They become more and more necessary for many, just use them, and without stopping to think if they really will be necessary for life.

I wrote before that I call attention to the phrase about drugs as placebos, because I know many people who often take medications that do not even need, or at times they will not have any positive effect on them, however from the psychological point of view they need it .

If I think it is necessary to reconsider the use of many products not only for the sake of our finances, but of the world in general.

Thanks for bringing this topic to discussion.

True, many of our necessities and needs are artificial and we can very well do without them. Over-consumption too is being promoted because of commercial interests.

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That's funny thinking of them doing good like placebo in meds as a comparison.🤣 And say no to chemicals - there are better ways to poison yourself.
But yeah seriously there seems to be a gap in using organic products when it comes to good cleaning products IMHO. I use 'orange oil' for washing dishes and clothes and works well for disinfecting and cleaning stuff and I understand it's made out of orange peels and is extremely effective. Thanks for sharing...

Ha ha ha!
Any links for buying that orange oil? I too would like to check it, if it works good for you.

I'm in South Africa so I get something like Triple Orange https://www.tripleorange.co.za/ or something like the Orange stuff here https://www.eco-max.ca/dish-wash/ but as far as I understand that any chemical engineer would be able to make this stuff and it is repackaged in may different products under different labels. Bit apparently it's an extremely excellent and safe cleaning material and I suspect that many other products use this as a base and then add essential oils or other ingredients to differentiate their products and offerings. But yeah Orange Oil which often comes in a gel format is super awesome!

if we start from the fact that human beings from our beginnings we did not have detergents, we can notice that all these "needs" start from the marketing, they seek to create us needs so that we consume, what we call "consumerism". I think your post is very successful, in the case of my country (Venezuela) acquiring something so basic with detergent is a luxury, so we had to adopt other options, thanks for giving us some ideas with your post. Greetings.

You said it! Yes, all these so-called "needs" were brought into existence due to commercial interests. It's good that you people are not falling for such gimmickry.

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I’m sure that any object rattling around with your laundry in hot water is going to help knock the dirt and oils off of them. I think it would be an interesting experiment to try them out with different solvents amd see how they work. I agree with the fact we over sanitize; your immune system is like anything else, you don’t use it you lose it. Going alkng with this philosophy I keep the volume on tvs and music down and I try to read at varying distances in varying light levels. Its like going to the gym to work out your muscles. Every system in your bidy needs exercise. Thanks for another thought provoking post @xyzashu!

WOW, you think a lot! Waiting for your results if you ever give a go to your experiment. I'll suggest to use hot water for your experiment ...sometimes soaking for a while helps too 😊

Nice ❤

Thank you! 💓