15 Great Quotes of Success

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Below is a list of 15 great quotes of success. You can use them to inspire you on your journey to a better life, filled with all the things you really want.

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  1. “Maybe tomorrow you will try something new and change your life, but what will you do today?”

2. “If you put your family down, if you put your friends down. Who will be there to help uplift you to success?”

3. “If you have never shed a tear of sorrow for failure. You will never know what it is to shed a tear of joy for success.”

4. “I am glad that there is more than one road to success; or else you would probably never get there due to the traffic jam.”

5. “I spent my days doing nothing. I spent my nights doing nothing. Guess what I got for my efforts? Nothing”

6. “Tomorrow I will begin my plans for success. On second thoughts, why wait until then? I shall start now.”

7. “How long does it take to be successful? The minute you decide that is really, really what you want.”

8. “I thought life was all it could be when I was sitting on the edge of someone’s chair. I was so wrong, now that I have a throne of my own.”

9. “Success doesn’t care where you live or how difficult it may be to get there. If you have a need of it, it will find you.”

10. “Don’t waste your time thinking about the time you believe that you have wasted.”

11. “When you don’t have the strength to take one more step, try half a step instead.”

12. “I want to be successful not for who you think I am not, nor who you want me to be. I want to be successful for me.”

13. “I hear you talk of success. I hear you talk about being motivated, but all I seem to do is hear you talk.”

14. “You can become successful. It’s the hard work you put into not doing it, that is the problem.”

15. “You do all the dreaming, talk of all the wonderful plans, but take none of the actions.”

Remember to share these with your friends and family.

Quotes by: @yourfinesight

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They all are full of motivation. Let's overcome the failure by changing it into success.

Thanks for taking the time to reading and posting a comment.

They all great.
6,7,9,10,12 Those are my daily quotes. Whenever I feel like giving up on something.

Yes I really like those ones too.

The main thing is we put our tasks on tomorrow which never comes, as tomorrow is changed into today.

Well they are all very motivational however I look myself in 13th. It is all about me I just keep talking more and working less. I need to convert my talk into the practical work.