prepare for die

in life •  7 years ago 

Make the Dhamma your island
Sacred ritual

  • Make the Dhamma your refuge
    Take no othet refuge

A few years ago I felt strongly stirred to prepare for death in every way possible. All that was unresolved, unplanned, and unsettled in my life seemed very weightly and sticky.Again and again, in many diffetent ways,I felt called to prepare fully for death and then live from that preparedness.On a practical level there was much to do. I settled into accommodations that are simple, private and adequate.One day i find peace of mild.The immediate effect of beginning this project (Dhamma) was surprising.Rather than engendering gloom, it has brought an ever increasing sence of lightness and relief.As each piece falls into place, I slip a little more easily into an ease of well being.

this is my life. Now i know, we are more and more able to share our thoughts,fears, and hopes about dying.This has further deepened.These day i feel better able to cleary discern what is authentic and honest for me in relationship to people in my life.I do know that i would like to die with full clarity of mild. This feel very important.Every time we meditate,each time we return to the truth of the moment, we prepare to die.
Living a life that is authentic, true and real and of dying in the sameway.

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Good 👍👍👍


Good confuse