When You Know a Woman.

in life •  7 years ago 


When you talk to him
and his gaze reached into your eyes
that means he wants to enter your life
and always present in your day

When you reminded him
about something commonplace
that you do not think is important
remember, that he is not setting you up,
he just wants to give you attention

When you see him getting annoyed
because you are too cool to play
with your friends, that means
he is not being a selfish man,
but just want a little attention from you

When you are angry without cause
he just wanted something but did not know
how to tell you

When a woman begins to be close friends
with your friends he is not intending
want to know and meddle in your business.
he just wants to know your environment
to be more deeply recognize yourself ..

When you find a woman
laugh at your mistakes or silliness,
he is not laughing at your stupidity,
he's just trying to get to know
and see the other side of you,
and try to accept your shortcomings

When a woman sees
someone he loved
is struggling to grab something
he is actually not silent.
he's still trying to be your encouragement,
wake you up too early,
and never stopped
pray to God
that you are always blessed

When a woman
is facing a problem
and all he can do
just silence, but he needs
not your comforter words
but you are always there
accompany him and be with him

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Nice Post