That brain half is just not worth as much..

in life •  7 years ago 


Why is the right hand side of the brain and experience not considered true and valid? Why has everything coming from this side been ridiculed for so long? Eg: Left handedness, innovative creative arts, meditative experiences, holistic views etc. Why do we still question its right to exist when it is half of what make us up?

True Feminine isn’t weak or helpless. True feminine is pretty hardcore, decisive and sure of what she wants. She is the mother who carries her children through war zones to get them to safety. She is the power that makes a woman bear contractions for hours or days before mustering the last effort to, in a not too sharp way, give birth to a child. It cannot be hard and sharp, it has to be strong and long lasting, or it would hurt the baby. That is the power of the True feminine. True feminine has an immense ability to care for herself and is not a victim in need of someone deciding for her. She does, like the true masculine though, sometimes need a place to rest. The true feminine is all encompassing and caring for everyone. Everyone has a place and is welcome under her cloak. Love is inclusive and not dividing.

When the true feminine retreated an imbalance was imposed and the weaker left over feminine could not uphold the strength of the old. Some, who remembered it and the truth of it, kept it going, but under an increasing strength of a growing masculine, who in the lack of the nurturing hand of the true feminine, misinterpreted his role. Domination occurred and all that was of the true feminine was more or less rejected as weaknesses or even wrong.

100 years ago (and still in some countries today) left-handed people were forced to write with the other hand. Is the left hand less in any way? Today we find it absurd and yet the same basic idea is still infused in our society in many ways. The one who is left-handed knows it is how it must be, so why the need to change? He might stand up to his right to be left-handed, because it is so obviously the way it has to be for him. In Norwegian it is not even called left-handed, but skew handed. A word still in use showing an old past when things like these were considered abnormal.

What else do we have that is “wrong”? A good-for-nothing was the man who didn’t have a decent job and income, who dreamt away his life, maybe into the arts. A man of the creative arts and yet today many of the old “weird” modern artists are considered masters, because they brought art from the classical look of always resembling the motif, to new ways, painting the emotional value of a motif etc. There were some who valued these talents and supported them, but in general they were quite a bit abnormal in the view of those times. Would we want to have been without them today?

There are many things that appear that are very right to those who live within it and they fight for their rights to be what they feel is 100% accurate to be. It is what moves society forward. It is the ones who dare to think further, of the possibility it could maybe be different, who transform our society little by little into something new. They are the rebels and many times it is just creative rebels or rebels whose only rebellion is to say, “I am allowed to be myself,” and it might be, “I am allowed to be left-handed,” or “I am allowed to be gay,” or “I am allowed to be an artist.” At the basis it is about being allowed to be whatever we want without having anyone dominate us, because we don’t fit their idea about what everything is about.

If we hold a view too firmly, maybe we should start considering what it would have meant if those doing that a few hundred years ago had gotten their will through. We would likely not have had anyone openly left-handed. We would not have had gender equality, nor female right to vote or even general right to vote. There would still have been slaves and race inequality in many more places and it would be considered right. I guess that’s the scariest part of it all, it would be considered right! We could go further back to see how it could affect the general population, if maybe these above don’t affect us personally. Born a farmer, you stay a farmer. Born a blacksmith, that’s what you will be. Of course you cannot choose, who do you think you are?
“What, chose who you will marry? What nonsense, that’s a matter better dealt with by parents! Shush now, go outside you immature child of 20 years old and let the adults decide over your life.”

Now, does that sound attractive?

We are very used to choice in this time, to be allowed to choose. Hold rigidity in just anything and we are telling people that we really don’t want this society, but would want the older one. We are upholding the lineage of those same people of the old, even if our rigidity lies in different areas. If we thrive in our freedom, handed to us by those upholding our right to freedom in the past, we should honour them or we should go back to living the old way, to start appreciating fully what it is they have given us and then consider what we are doing for and to the society of our great-grand children. We cannot guarantee they will carry our values, so do we love them enough to not want them to suffer, when they are born left-handed or do we want them to be hit by a ruler on their tiny, delicate fingers, being 7 years old and in school doing what comes naturally to them? Do we want them to feel, from such an early start, that they are the abnormal ones, the ones society don’t include and accept or want? Do we want them to feel like they cannot fit in no matter how they are?

When society reinforces the belief it has to be in one way only and only that way, we limit our ability to expand. It is the fake masculine dominating the feminine trying to expand into its wild side. This happens for both men and women, so it’s not about genders, but about acceptance or limitation, expressed in people as love or fear. The more fear we hold, the more fearful we are for our experience to be tipped by something unexpected, the more we will fight the unexpected. That is why the witch of all the stories is so scary, because she always does the unexpected, borderline evil (..or not even borderline). However, when she merges with her pure side, she just becomes strong and wise, she embodies the true feminine. She becomes the queen of the story and she becomes the queen of life itself.

We can fight over what colour a dress has, or if the chicken is a cat. What we see is up to us, but to dismiss others’ perceptions as less valid is no longer an option. For long the fake masculine has been dominating, defining what the world is like, that only one side is real, but look at Jill Bolte Taylors’ experience, when half her brain shut down due to a stroke and the other brain half kicked in completely ruling and she became one with everything around her. Just now pull this further and imagine living from that, being one with all around you and then, if that is your true reality, what can you do and create when you are part and have access to everything around you as a part of you? What can you swish around to change your reality? Don’t see it as a curious fantasy of her mind, this was her experience of reality, from half of her mind and that brain half is as valid as the other part.

Why is this side of the brain and experience not considered true and valid? Why has everything coming from this side been ridiculed for so long? Eg: Left handedness, innovative creative arts, meditative experiences, holistic views etc. Why do we still question its right to exist when it is half of what make us us?

In the brain, the same masculine and feminine issue is played out, but the need of division comes from the logical side, while the creative side is all encompassing. If the logical side can yet again learn to allow the creative side and trust it is there, just as the masculine have to start trusting the feminine is true and not out there to get him, but there as an equal supportive part, then the true masculine will appear out of it protecting its more encompassing side and there will finally be balance and when there is balance within we can create balance on the outside too.

It starts with us as human beings, but ripples out to the world.

The whole world is described as a tree in may old religions and another old symbol is the dragon or the world serpent, making a whole circle around everything. Due to shift of faiths the serpent or dragon became depicted as evil, but in reality it is there protecting what is in the middle. Without it the tree/earth is vulnerable and we humans become vulnerable, because we dare to be less. The dragon is only dangerous if it would dominate, but why would it burn down the tree that is its sole reason for existing?

We can have evil witches and evil dragons or we can put down the swords and stop the battle. It is a choice. Just that. Our choice. In the small as in the big. It starts in the small, by accepting our all encompassing brain half as equal to the other one and hopefully by the time of our great-grand children they will not be laughed at for saying, “I like this part of the forest, because there the trees speak to me on the inside.”

We allow certain groups to have these abnormal experiences: monks, priests etc, but they are a little bit weird, right? But then, something makes us like being out in nature and in the silence of the magnificence of it we can almost feel something sacred, like being part of something grander. That is not imagination, it is real. We are using our natural inner skill of sensing more of what is out there. In nature we listen, we are and through that we allow our receptive brain half to work. What has been considered abnormal for very long is just very, very normal and human.

My way of teaching people to trust what they get is very much based in reality and in just cross checking with others and it’s amazing how many get exactly the same experiences at the same places. It’s really pure statistics! If anything, that’s something our logical side should trust! So until you trust what you get, rely on the statistics, by realising others are having the same experience as you do.

Trust your brain, both halves of it!

First published March 3, 2015.

© Yvonne Rosenlund

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