in life •  7 years ago 

Sunshine, Rain
I love each one the same
A nice rain after a terribly sunny day
To wash all the stress away
And when I lay in my bed, cuddled in my blanket
The sweet chill of air, my nightmares amend

The warmth of sun after terribly raining days
To take the numbing chill away
Shine bright, shine all the way
Remind us that tough times don't last, anyway
To look forward to those golden streaks beyond the cloud,
Reassures us of hope for light, after the dark


Winter comes with its charm
Gathering with family; a breakfast of bread and jam
Then when night falls, we may gather around the fire
And tell tales of love, joy and life
Roasting the cinnamon rolls, putting together Mr Snow Man
Christmas and family, my favourite parts of winter

Spring signals new beginnings
The awakening of trees, and nature long asleep
It's beauty and freshness, sets my soul to bliss
I'll always love the green and bloom, prosperity at its peak
And as water replaces snow, we are reminded of life's nature
Change is constant, of that, we are assured

Summer and autumn, all things beautiful
The sun, the vacations, the exotic beach trips
Turning brown, leaves falling, a reminder that to an end,
All must come
Laughter and joy and inner peace,
All that we treasure

T'is balance that life gives
And all of these, are my favourite things

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Another amazing contribution to the poetry world!
You're such an amazing writer.
The summer, autumn, spring and winter well described in a beautiful piece.
Carry on MA.

Thank you so much @cateyes1990, im glad you enjoyed it

I love ur poetry word you an amazing writer have even seen keep it up

Thank you so much @fattybabe