Rohingya crisis: Reuters journalists held 'for investigating Myanmar killings

in life •  7 years ago 

###On the twelfth of December last year to me on my journalists working for the Reuters news agency why loan and she also.
Well to a restaurant in North India and gone.To meet see police offices they never came home.They were arrested and they see charged under the official secrets act friend magically obtained confidential documents.
Held in a jail and gone.Tonight's roaches have published what they believed.Was the real reason for that journalists arrests and investigations that focused on the village of Indian.
The violence that took place here in late.August and early September last year it was echoed across parts Of northern rock kind states.These before and after satellite images show the extent to which the range of parts of the village was burnt to the ground.Only the biggest area to the top left was bad.
But what really does claims have found was even Dhaka.That journalists have been told by a number of sources that ten men had been picks out from the crowd every inch of Muslims including fishermen shopkeepers and students and executed.After a day of interrogation that they would not into words.

###To say these images that the agency has published tonight's were given to that journalists by local business we decided to black pots of this graphic image shows the ten men in a shallow mass grave you can identify many of the men by the clothes that wiring.
Lotus journalists were told by the man who dug the pits that.Eight.Of the man was shot by soldiers and tea will hike to death by the villages.
Myanmar's capsule nine people around the same time as the journalists arrest meanwhile thirties with themselves looking into the execution.
On the tenth of January the ministry announced on its Facebook page that they'd undertaken that own investigation on that soldiers and local protests had indeed taken part in the killings.
But the minute you will force the killed the Bangor the terrorists they sat because police stations were being attacked by a Hindu militants and it was unsafe for them to transport them a decision was made to kill them says the ministry statements.
The voices say if that Buddhist villages that journalists interviewed reported no attack by a large number of insurgents on security forces in a day and all that the ten man had any connection with terrorism.
The news agency claims that journalists also got a unique evidence of military involvement in attacks on range of Muslims speaking to not find local villages in in Dayton but police officers.
And members of the paramilitary.One man he spoke to the two journalists describe finding for him to miss them hiding in a haystack one of the men had a mobile phone soldiers told him to do whatever you want to them.And so I started hacking him with the sword he sat.
A soldier shot him when he fell down.Voices has cross references testimony from the tests on the grounds with ranger refugees over the border.
In Bangladesh news night is unable to verify the claims made by the agency.Roach's claim that their accounts marks the first time soldiers and paramilitary police have been implicated by testimony from security personnel themselves.
It's clear incarceration is taking its toll on well known and she also found these.This is Royce his belief that the evidence the journalists of taint is the real reason for the arrest.
Of the Myanmar authorities.Are continuing to pursue charges against the two journalists will telling the story help while alone and she also.
Everybody pray for rohingya.


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