Why No One Will Understand Your Dreams But You (And Why This Is Empowering)

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)


Anybody who has tried something that goes against the grain of societal norms has experienced this phenomenon. You go through some mental or spiritual phase of life, start examining deeply and subjectively some major belief system and seriously doubting it, even though it may be something that literally everyone around you takes as basic fact. You make the leap of faith into unknown territory, whether it is in business, health, finances, relationship or any other myriad of aspects of reality.

Simply questioning deeply implanted systems is commendable. A huge percentage of society never even gets this far on their journey. It takes courage and a certain type of inner strength to go where many dare not venture. It requires mind expansion and often times creating your own ideas about how this world works and why you are here. A lot of what comes with going your own way requires rewiring your brain and using self reflection and inner learning, which is a concept that has largely been bred out of Western society due to the indoctrinating education system that tells you what to think starting at a very young age.

There is another angle that this idea can be viewed from as well. A deeper more introspective level, striking at the heart of life and consciousness itself. It involves a very powerful method of analyzing your own thoughts and viewing them as an independent observer.

To understand this requires a basic understanding of symbols and how they are used in this reality and how we use them to communicate with each other. Regardless of whether or not people consciously understand the concept, we all use symbols every single day to talk to each other and express ideas. The words that you are reading here are symbols. If you step back and change your level of perception, you can see that the words on this page are nothing but lines, squiggles, loops and different shapes, assembled in a certain order that we have been taught since childhood to collectively understand.

Think of how a foreign language looks on paper, like Russian. To someone who doesn’t know Russian, these symbols appear as merely indecipherable jumbles of shapes. Without a common knowledge of what these symbols mean, absolutely no real information can be extracted from sentences, paragraphs...entire books. There could be entire libraries of books in different languages, and they would be absolutely worthless unless you knew that language.

For this reason, it certainly is important for society to function that we at least have some sort of collective understanding of these symbols, otherwise we would not be able to communicate with each other. It would be like a room with fifty people who all speak a totally different language, trying to get ideas across. It would be infuriatingly frustrating; madness might even ensue.

But one thing to remember is that even though a large group of people may “know” the same language and thus communicate, every single person is still getting a slightly different meaning out of these symbols. We may have what we consider a crystal clear understanding of what a sentence means, yet to someone else it could mean something entirely different! This is also one of the beautiful things about our uniqueness on this planet; we are all the same consciousness experiencing reality from a slightly different angle.

The same applies to speech, and this is where it starts to really get interesting, because of the idea of frequencies, sound and how they work.

If you’re wondering what this all has to do with your dreams and aspirations just bear with me, because it will all be revealed soon, and all of these concepts matter infinitely to that degree.

Speech vs Written Symbol: Same Idea, Different Expression

In the beginning, there was a word, and the word was God.

As cymatics and quantum physics have explained, everything in this universe vibrates with a certain frequency and amplitude, just like any normal wave function.

Cymatics explained: <

Cymatics is fascinating indeed, particularly when it comes to the study of ancient civilizations and structures, many of which seem to indicate that these “primitive” societies understood the science of how frequencies and sound can manipulate physical matter.

The cymatic sound experiments are however just one example of how sound and symbol coexist. Every sound (which is just the vibration of air molecules) creates a unique frequency. There are literally infinite possibilities of frequencies and they account for every single color, shape and action in this world.


This concept is one reason that what we say, not just out loud to other people, but also internally to ourselves, is so important. Words have tremendous impact on the environment, even if we do not immediately see that effect. They create ripples in reality so to speak, by creating symbols. And, like written symbols, it depends entirely upon the person hearing the words to decipher exactly what those words mean to them. This is of utmost importance when it comes to going out of the normal public sphere and searching for your dreams and pursing them.

When someone finds their passion, and this is not something that can be taught or learned only experienced, as in that “aha!” moment that is felt at the heart level and the person knows it to be true, it will feel like the entire world has changed. It is the most empowering feeling imaginable. And in this excitement the person may attempt to explain this dream to everyone around them. This is where the interpretation of the symbol comes into play.

Just like an ink blot test, where ten different people may see ten different images, when words are spoken the same ten people may hear ten different things. This does not change when you tell the world your dreams! The closer that person’s frequency is to yours, the more positively they may react! The same way frequencies resonate together like tuning forks, those that are on your same wavelength will respond to what you say, or write, or in any way express.

And of course although it may seem like the best idea in the world to you, deep down at your inner most core, you are still interacting with an entire spectrum of individual people that are all on different frequencies, and those frequencies are constantly changing! We all change how we vibrate, going from angry to happy, scared to courageous, hopelessly depressed to indescribably ecstatic. This creates globally an infinite spectrum of variables, all coalescing into a world experience that we will experience as a reverberation to the words or symbols that we just sent out into the universe.

One other aspect of this frequency based environment is that the person with the strongest and most determined frequency will tend to dominate and resonate with those around them. People explain this phenomenon all the time; a certain person just has a presence whenever they enter a room. A commanding presence that seems to create electricity in the air, sometimes this is actually physically perceptible.

The Master Key

Those that understand this concept of frequency and vibration have an incalculable edge over other people in terms of not only influence but also emotional control. If you are in full understanding of how your emotional frequencies align then you will not only be able to impact more people around you but will also be able to manipulate your own vibrations, giving you immense control over your emotional states, and not the other way around as we see often in society. Feeling emotions is one thing, letting them dominate you instead of the other way around is quite another. One is empowering the other is not.

So, when you are driven and know what you want to do in life, and are confident that you have discovered your gift, whether it be leadership, music, art, business, or just talking to and helping other people, you can use these fundamental ideas to charge ahead and shrug off those that try to bring you down. When you know with full confidence that those with similar views and ideas to you are out there by the millions just waiting for your frequency to call them, like a bat signal, then you can proceed. Understanding that everyone is on their own path with their own frequency will allow you to move ahead with blinders on, without blaming other people. After all, everyone, even those that seek to undermine your goals, is on their own journey. You can support them how you can, while letting their negative energetic opinions (and symbols) bounce off of your newly created shield.

Being your own unique person with unique skills and goals is a great thing to discover and achieve, but it is also one that requires unprecedented responsibility, because with higher goals and objectives comes more risk and more adversaries. It means more trolls, more criticism, and more of you in the spotlight with all your flaws and skill sets alike.

Use your words and symbols wisely to help the world and you can reap all the rewards and satisfaction that you may have never even dreamed possible. Even if you are starting at the very bottom with your journey, these ideas can give immense confidence and give you the tools necessary to take full control of this life that you were blessed to have on earth.

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very nice post!.. some wise words here. I have crossposted with the new SpiritWeb Community... maybe a CSquared vote will arrive shortly ;-)

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Thanks for the cross post, I checked out your community today and subscribed!

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