Why it is not disinfo to talk about the people posed as the Front Men, Women, Players for Tech Giants including FB. How and why they are integral. What they connect to including a Recent Planned Event! In Order to go Forward you must Go Back!

in lifelog •  4 years ago 

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From recent question on disinfo concerning Dustin Moskovitz

Recently I was given this question and there is a Lot connected to this so I am logging this info and the connectors here in case others have the same question. Generally when one has the question there are others out there and since it is so involved, wanted to make time efficient by putting it in one place in hopes others will see these vast connections and tie ins.

An Informed Citizenry is how we de weaponize those weapons they formed to be used against us!

Melissa McGarity ,... you do know that this is disinfo, right?
FB was actually created by DARPA as LIFELOG.
The entire story about Zuck is pure fiction. Zuckerfeller knew little about much of anything, much less programming in college. He was put up by the Deep State as their "FACE" of Facebook to create a story around. Mark is a Rockefeller and a C_A operative - all top elites' kids are made into CLOWNS.

Oh yes. ..Absolutely, done Many breakdowns, but these are the people they used for their front men. All verified. I Have actually logged some of Zuckerberg's early communications showing his character and done various reports on Lifelong, CIA programs and DARPA. If we don’t deal with them or just toss them aside as the puppets, the general population won’t see all they DO and are connected to as they are Still given the funds and power to control a great deal Not just in the tech industry, but in biotech, health, trans humanism and ultimately this all connects to part of what Epstein was doing and Nicole J. That model I broke down her fam history on which when we all were studying info on her and her husband’s family connections to the Vatican, it paralyzed Voat for quite some time with a DDoS error. Pretty telling! Their game Ultimately is to have their fingers in our health, then convince the populace that it is best for their weaknesses to combine machine with man. Satan’s ultimate way of what he will trick people into believing is immortality, rather than God’s way of choosing eternity with God. We all know satan’s won’t work, but how many will he trick? How many souls will he lead to hell with him?
When working in the line of not just dealing with anons and the awake, we have to deal with the fact they used people like Misovitz and even Chris Hughes who is good buddies with Pete Buttigieg, and the history of showing Who he was and connected to All goes back to the fact these were the Front Men they used. True. . .all anons understand the origination of Facebook rearing up right when Lifelog was cut, but these players are Still used to this day in a Multitude of ways and as their front men/women they help Steer the outlook of the general population and are perceived to be role models.
For instance Chris Hughes is married to Sean Eldrige if you look up his history or see the Buttigieg report you will see he was in tight with a certain agenda And was a big help for Obama and Hillary. Integral info to show that Pete is Not who he claims to be and had close ties with the Zuck as he gave him a tour of South Bend which I wrote about.
For Dustin Moskovitz. . .he is Tied to that Event 201 I have reported on numerous times. This is how, if you look it up it says funded by Open Philanthropy Project, I traced that to Cari Tuna and Dustin Mokovitz’s charity and showed All the people they are connected to. This is why they can’t be disregarded. . the web of deceit spreads Wide and Far. Went down a jaunt, I believe in a Facebook Frames also showing connections to their (Moskovitz and Tuna) other owned Co called Asana which I mentioned in a report is close to an anagram for satan. ..Peter Theil involved in that and I wrote articles connecting him to Ambrosia or blood supply from the young for those who want to be revitalized.
So Open Philanthropy Project, I had given a Heavy article link which states right out where their funding goes.
Anyhow, Dustin Moskovitz though just a front man shown as co-founder of FB. . .Still Vitally important and a Key player in all he and his wife have their hands and fingers in. BTW their charity reads Much like the Chan and Suck initiative I covered. One thing I hit big on is the fact that these charities under a variety of cloak and cover are clearly just keeping the money in the Elitist circles to fund their projects. They come under different names as I’m sure you are aware. . .think McCain Institute, Initiative, Charity, Program. ..I also hit on what Philanthropy really is in a Facebook Frames on Bill Gates and his gig being up.
All of these people tie in together. I have also shown how DARPA shares former employees with FB, Google and Motorola and have done a lot of reports and reminders on the 19th Director of DARPA Regina Dugan, who worked for all and talked in a tech talk of producing a pill to swallow for passwords and tech tattoos.
I realize some may feel it is disinformation, but if we don’t talk about Their Disinfo. . We’re SUNK, because then they will have their feelers and influence still out there under Other names from all of their infiltration. That is what they are hoping, to remain under cloak and cover so we don’t see that even Al Gore connects to Moskovitz’s Company Asana. Then you start getting into the connections of Greta Thunberg and I have covered her family’s history and WHOA! I’ll drop the connectors and links that I can for verification. All are free to skim or read. Also recently mentioned Tech Giants give a Whole New Meaning to Giants in the Land as they steer a Great deal and have had a Lot of control over who gets to speak and who doesn’t! Here is evidence of the report I did a long time ago on Lifelog, Suck and I’ll drop his archived comms while at Harvard. This is actually a more recent one I did though 8 months ago. I had others where I pointed out the C_a connection earlier.



Here is the info on Dustin Moskovitz and his wife Cari Tuna and Why it is Very Important. Facebook Frames Open Philanthropy group that funded Event 201, and Who's Who connected to them, the Club and you're not In It! https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10220728736262792

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More info on these players and all of their connections in here. . as you know they branch out into politics purposely so. I even have emails from Zuck and Sheryl Sandberg (FB COO)to Podesta.


Another reason why these Players are integral. . .front men or not, they have a Great deal of Pull and influence if people keep giving it to them. Why the public needs to be Informed about their deeds so they vote people out who further their agenda.




We have been trying to tell anons an Informed Population is what they fear most. This includes poking around and Exposing their ploys, Projects, weapons that they use against us including how they provide cloak and cover for their Actors/Players. It works for them to slither in and get their fingers in the PIE literally All over the MAP. DARPA as you know had it's hands in the Arpanet which is verified to have been created as a weapon. When will the public Wake Up that the people they weaponize against is THEM. The People are the foreign entity the controllers are always referring to because there is enmity between the serpent and the seed of humanity. From Genesis 3. 14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Now you know who follows that serpent today. God called him the most subtile beast of the field. Master Manipulator. Who manipulates, fools, creates an illusion. . well, besides the MSM and politicians or all Elitists. . where people engage the MOST on that weapon devised by DARPA which was initially set into motion by the Mother of All Demos by Doug Engelbart and Who was he connected to? None other than Stanford. When I broke this down a few years ago and showed Sergey Brin's connection also to Stanford and how they access the human genome. ..Sergey's ex is Anne Wojcicki, did you know she grew up on the campus of Stanford? Small world huh? Well I don't have to tell you she runs 23 and me. When I broke down her and Sergey's family history and showed Mother of All Demos, they suspended my twitter account apparently Permanently as I and others requested they put it back as I did nothing wrong and had verification. I archived some here and some anons even get mad when I point out what quantum computing Really is and how Cern connects right in, but the Dead Giveaway should be how God says to have disCERNment!


Here is some of that email from Mark, but I believe I dropped a link with other emails

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As you can see, all of these people connect in somewhere and keep coming up with More businesses and projects that carry out Their agenda! When when the population open their eyes to what they are REally doing?


When you combine all of this with what was going on with Christine Blasey Ford, the connections are OFF the charts. I tried a long time ago to show how her father led right to a man who resides at the top of banking in Luxemborg named Daniel Baal. As you can guess many did Not want to hear though the showing of their hand was once again off the charts! I'll drop some info as Stanford and their research arm. . .Remember we said #YouHaveToGoBackInOrderToGoForward historically was developed by Hoover and others. On their board and created it while at Stanford before becoming president so there would be a connection between the West coast and D.C. which you and I know runs as it's OWN entity. Will drop info for that as there are 3 that run as their own entities Empire City! Here is the Stanford stuff and when you see what Ford was poking around into, no wonder she was yet another useful puppet.


**More Sources, Reports and Connections,

Greta who ties into Al Gore who is part of Dusin and Cari Tuna's Asana




Facebook Frames Coronavirus traced to the British Crown and many of the ways they have put a Light directly on what they are doing think Intellectual Property and Kobe Bryant's remains buried at Corona del Mar!









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Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's BloodThe contrarian venture capitalist believes transfusions may hold the key to his dream of living forever.


Adrenochrome the connections are all over the map and the controllers with fingers in the PIE

Adreno part 2 Sports Accidents in Canada Highway Of Tears pedo rmate to Trudeau

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