How many times do we go through tests and again and again we ask ourselves why my lord? Has it ever happened to you? do you identify with me?
In this opportunity I want to share a little about these little ones that for me are of great admiration, how many times instead of thanking God or just being grateful for what we are and what we have, what we do is complain, criticize and many times we cry because we do not have material things that at one moment we want, we even become selfish, envious and stop counting.
I had the opportunity to share with several children of the Oncology of the Dr. Luis Razetti University Hospital as I told them before I am a medical student, although until now my inclination is not for Pediatrics, I love children I have always said that in our interior we have a hidden child, share with those little angels and even with many people already adults was a great injury to my life, you realize that many things are secondary, that there is a world beyond that we live, there is need in hospitals, in the street , what we are experiencing today is not easy but you know? It's worth smiling, keep fighting for what we want and value what we have.
The lessons that these children give me are continuous, and they make me reflect on many things. When we lack health, everything else is absolutely secondary, everything that happens to them since their illness is detected, they have to pass through authentic via crucis daily: they are punctured, they are operated, they cause pain, they can not play or be distracted, the chemo, they run out of energy, they have to do transfusions, they can barely go home for a few months and even many learn to live in a hospital, but even so, it is admirable to see that in the middle of all these they smile and keep fighting, Although the end of many is not what we expect we have to continue trusting.
And you because you try these happening? Until when are you going to continue complaining?
Give thanks for what you have, who you have by your side, learn to value what God has given you, keep fighting, do not keep complaining. It does not matter what you're going through, CONTINUE TRUSTING
the bible teaches us a great injury in Job, a man of admiration so much evidence that step and in the end I always praise God.
and said: Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked I'll go back there. Jehovah gave, and Jehovah took away; be the name of Jehovah blessed. (Job 1:21)