My Love And Hate Relationship With My Dentist

in lifestyle •  7 years ago  (edited)

If there is a place I would like to avoid no matter what, that's for sure a dental office or a dental clinic. Accordingly, my love (if we can even speak about love) for dentists are at the lowest possible level as well.

I can't say that I genuinely hate them as I am somewhat handicapped when it comes to that hate feeling. In fact, I don't know how to hate. I can be angry like hell about something, but it would pass, and it's never that deep dark feeling, opposite from love and full of destruction. Even I sometimes use that "hate" word it's not the real hate.

Dentist OfficePhoto source: Pixabay. Credits to oswaldoruiz for office-dentist, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

However, last Thursday was that day I wanted to avoid no matter what but I couldn't. I had the appointment with my dentist, and it wouldn't be fair either sweet just to ignore it and not to show up. It was only another one in the long row of appointments in the last month or even two.

In other words, in that past period, I was visiting the dental clinic regularly every week at least once. What can I say, it seems like I manage to cultivate a lovely graveyard in my mouth. 😜

Usually, everything is more or less OK, until I come to the door and see that chair. You wouldn't believe how many jokes and stories I can pull out (who knows where from) just to drag the attention of my dentist and not to sit on that chair. Unfortunately, ever joke and story have its end despite my efforts to stretch and postpone it as much as it's possible.

Dentist's BorersPhoto source: Pixabay. Credits to rhein28 for dentist-instruments, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

But sooner or later I end up on that chair and then arrives the next nightmare. I see only that to the chair strangely attached movable arm or leg with that crazy device full of all sorts of borers. My dear Lord! 😱

The worst part is I'm very well aware how all those dentists for some to me unknown reason are crazy and deeply in love with that device and those borers. I don't know do they experience some ecstasy when they stick it in your mouth, but they are doing it so passionately.

Of course, they are not going to grab it the very moment you start drowning in that chair. There is a very profound procedure before that dramatic moment.

Dentist's LampPhoto source: Pixabay. Credits to jarmoluk for dentist-equipment, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

As first, they are going to lace up around your neck that special dentist bib. I always feel semi-suffocated with it. Then, they are going to turn on that lamp that looks to me more like some concentration camp's searchlight and point it directly to your face.

They don't find any problem with using it. And maybe it's only me. I don't know. Maybe other people see that lamp as a stage reflector, so they could finally somewhat experience that feeling of being on the Broadway's theater scene.

I'm obviously not that type, or maybe I should take into consideration to observe it from that angle although I don't think it would be a success.

At the Dentist OfficePhoto source: Pixabay. Credits to rgerber for dental-repairs, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

Just about the time when you would start hoping there would be at least one more preparation stage, the dentist is going to ambush you. They would quickly stick into your mouth the pump in the form of a question mark upper part of the hanger (allegedly only for saliva collection) and a whole bunch of tampons (as well and supposedly for the same purpose).

In that lovely pose, with the wide-open mouth of some hungry lion most in-depth roaring, when you are not able to swallow anymore and breathe only through your nose, the main drama is just about to start.

Dental RepairsPhoto source: Pixabay. Credits to ales_kartal for dentist-grind, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

I'm really getting suspicious every time more and more that those dentists must experience some ecstasy while doing that as I can't otherwise explain to myself that devil dance over my teeth of exchanged puttering, poking, picking, grinding, drilling, boring, scouring, rubbing, scrubbing, etc. inside my mouth.

And somewhere there is my culmination point when my relationship with my dentist is closest to hate.


But why I love my dentist despite all of above said?

Woman DentistPhoto source: Pixabay. Credits to marcioandrei for dentist-child, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

At first, she is our friend and a genuinely warm, compassionate, and at the same time funny and very cheerful human being. As a dentist, she is gentle, precise and fast. I never set on that chair longer than half an hour. Besides, each her patient may always choose from special hypnosis to injection what would make the whole procedure entirely painless.

Above all, I admire her because of her honesty. She wouldn't have a second thought to admit that she is the greatest dentist hater (despite the fact of being the one), and the biggest chicken when she has to sit on the dentist chair.

Because all of that the relationship that I have with my dentist sometimes remind me of the song "The Thin Line Between Love And Hate," although I don't believe she would ever by any of her patients end up like the guy in that The Pretender's song.



Just for precautionary reasons!

Little Girl Brushing TeethPhoto source: Pixabay. Credits to confidentdentalcare for best-dentist, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

If you are anything like me when the dentists are in question, as first...

Don't forget to brush your teeth!

Better be safe than sorry! 😉
But even if you are brushing your teeth regularly, don't avoid dentists for years (as I did) to end up with some different kind of graveyard in your mouth. If nothing else, however you turn it around, it's cheaper to fix it sooner than later, and above all...

The people around you need your beautiful and unique smile!

Beautiful Woman's SmilePhoto source: Pixabay. Credits to longislandbeautiful for cosmetic-dentist, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

Posted on Sunday, January 28, 2018

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I have also a toothache for 2 days and so scared to book an appointment with dentist.

I would like to encourage you to do so and book your appointment! You'll feel much better afterward! Keep in mind that you are dealing with part of your head, very close to your brain. It's really not worth the risk if I can tell you that as one scared of dentist person to another!

Aw gawd I hate going to the dentist lol

LOL - Yeah, I thought, I wouldn't be alone! 😉🙂

i am avoiding dentist since last 4 years and have been living with three decayed teeth. just hate them.

I understand you perfectly, but I would still like to encourage you at least for one checking visit.
I had to learn the hard way that when the tooth starts hearting it might even be too late, as sometimes the process inside can start and we wouldn't feel any alarming signs until it progresses the way we don't like it at the end.

awwww. what a sweet narative about love hate relationship with dentist. seems most post these days have a love undertone like the one i sent on why i love steemit and steemians.
do you know banana peels are also excellent for teeth whitening and health? do you know about organic eggshells powder which can keep dentists away forever, updated a lot on same topics.
nice one as always dear. upped

Thank you very much for your kind words! 🙂

It seems I missed your post about why you love Steemit and Steemians, but I already compensate that (although I didn't leave a comment there).

To be honest, I didn't hear by now how banana and organic eggshells powder might be helpful for our teeth. I just remember when our dogs were puppies I was giving them organic eggshells powder mixed inside their food because of calcium to naturally support the healthy growth of their bones.
If you have already written about those topics, I would appreciate if you don't mind to drop me here the links to those posts as I would really like to read it.

Sure. Just scroll down and find the banana pill for the organic eggshell I will find it cos it's from last year post. Will update more next week on waste to health . Let's keep steeming hot.

Thanks! I'll take a look!
And please, when you find that post for the organic eggshell powder, please drop me a link! (I will not downvote your comment! 😉 I'm kindly asking for that link!)

Thank you, I will take a look! 👍

Welcome and tell me what you think. Will update many more articles I Cal home made waste to health ...👌

Great post i really like it a lot, i cannot stand going to the dentist and it's something i fear truly. I really like your post so please keep on posting! I hope you have a great day!

Thank you very much! 🙂
It's kinda easier for me to accept my next visit to the dentist, seeing such comments that prove I'm not the only one with that, between love and hate, split feeling for dentists. 😉🙂

@ana-maria as a person who had and continues to have a lot of encounters with dentists i cannot agree more with you! There is no place that i hate as mich as that chair! But come to think of it i am most thankfull to my dentist because everyone knows how a bad tooth hurts! I also love and hate my dentist! Thank you a lot for this post and for making me smile!

hahaha - As you may see (read) exactly the same here! I'm glad that I made you smile with my post. 🙂
When I was writting this post, I thought many would be able to relate to my "Love and Hate relationship with my dentist."

However, thank you very much for stopping by and for such a nice comment! 🙂

I feel this way towards my dentist too. I absolutely hate the feeling, but love them for picking the job and being willing to do it. I am also happy to keep my teeth clean.

hahaha - Exactly the same here! I'm glad I'm not alone on this one! 🙂

I totally agree with your point of view. I feel totally identify. Great article.

Thank you very much! 🙂

Hehe great post ana @ :DI Always wanted to ask Dentist !: I have that weird habit, it's like biting nails, but instead I'm always nibbling away small pieces of skin from the inner part of my mouth/cheek/lips. Is that.. uhm, apart from looking like a complete fool when doing that. hehe jokes apart really great post. @ana-maria looking forward for more :D

It seems like we all have some issues with our mouth and teeth especially when the dentists are in question. 😉
However, thank you very much for stopping by and for the comment! 🙂

The only thing i learned in my school days...there was a poem...and it says goin to a dentist is a vicious circle... @ana-maria but we need to visit to take care of our tooth...👍

hahaha - Yeah, it really seems like a vicious circle. Never heard that expression connected to dentists, but I like it! And I agree with you entirely we should seriously take care of our teeth.
My fear that dragged me through that way too long neglecting period when it comes to regular visiting the dentist, didn't turn out very well for me. I can confirm that now from the first-hand experience. Unfortunately!
If nothing, it would cost me fewer dentist visits and a lot less pain (not to mention the expense). 🙂

I totally agree with this. When I was a kid I am really afraid of dentists what makes the matter worst was when a dentist scolded me because of being afraid to him thats why my fear of dental check ups grew as time passes by. But last year was different, i had a wisdom tooth and should be taken out because its hurts so much. I bravely went to a dentist and had a wisdom tooth extraction surgery. I was really scared at first but it went just fine. She was a great dentist and a very thoughtful one too she even gave me a gift as a souvenir.

I can feel you very much as I had a very ugly experience from my childhood too, with a very rude and insensitive dentist through public health insurance. And I think from that point my anxiety grew the most, although I have a feeling (with my current dentist) it improves a lot and every next time seems better. 🙂

Yep our anxieties definitely roots down from our childhood. Im glad that it changed today

You got funny 'love' experience there 😛

The only one I don't like about dentist is : They use the same dentist tool to work on patient's mouth. I can image how dirty it is. Eww.

Oh, check your followers list, I think you got a new follower

Oh, come on, don't tell me that. - I'm sure they make some disinfection even if they can't put the devices through classical sterilizer. I don't believe they would risk being accused of spreading diseases not to mention some more serious ones.

Never the less, thank you for the follow. 😉

i somehow feel as if we are the same person, with this mutual "hate" of the dentist lol. My dentist just so happens to be a family friend so when he's at home, its all fun and games yet when we are at his office, it almost as if we are enemies meeting in battle. Hopefully one day i have the courage to not be scared anymore haha, thanks for the additions tips also :)

hahaha - Exactly the same here! Unbelievable!
The funny part is that my female dentist is such a great joke-make and I love partying with her (singing, dancing, whatever), but when I am at her dental office (especially already on the chair), even her best jokes don't seem that funny anymore. - lol - 😁
I was even thinking to add that part to the article but changed my mind at the end as I thought it would make my post even longer than it already is.

God, how I hate dentists. And now my son has cavities, brought him to the dentist twice, was pure hell.

God help me, because my daughter started to show signs of cavities too...

hahaha - So, I'm really not alone! - lol - 😁

Besides, you just reminded me of days when I was taking my kids to the dentist. I always had a feeling that the dentist is doing (whatever she was doing to them) to me. And I had to play strong, not only comforting them but as well encouraging them so their teeth remain healthy.

Regarding cavities and caries, unfortunately, some of us even have the genetic predisposition for it. But my dentist just recently told it can be improved with good care and regular visits to the dentist as many such things might be discovered and stopped in their progression in the early stage.

I feel you. But getting my kids to the dentist chair is like a remake of the Exorcist movie. And yes, genetic predisposition plays a huge role.

LOL - I'm sorry but I really hat to laugh especially when I read and tried to picture that scene of...

getting my kids to the dentist chair is like a remake of the Exorcist movie

Sorry, didn't mean anything bad. It just sounds funny how you described it!
I hope things will get better through time for both of your (your kids and you)!

Dental problems are the worst I guess, they leave you with so much pain. Thankfully I dont have to visit my dentist much except for just the normal clean up. And the funny part is the dentist tells me, you are such a loss to my business, I never get to go beyond the cleaning part.....hahaha
I hope in future you have lesser visits to make to your dentist at the clinic ;-)

hahaha - I really laughed aloud when I read this (what your dentist told you)... 😁

you are such a loss to my business

I'm happy for you that your teeth are in such good condition you may even be a loss for the dental industry! - lol - 😁
As I recently decided to canalize my activity with full determination to improve the current state of my teeth and bring it on the whole new healthy level, I hope, one day, I would become a loss for them as well. But first, I have to pass that phase in which I am a great "gain" for my dentist! 😉 😀

hahaha....and honestly he was very mean, I had gone with my son and he refused to even clean my teeth....Such a mean guy :-(, I wish you speedy recovery dear, so that you have no more visits to make :-)

OMG! - lol - Unbelievable! I think some people with their character might not be meant for that job. It's not enough to educate your dental skill, the right personality is very much needed to make it a good dentist.

Never the less, thank you very much for all your good wishes! I will take them with me next time. 😉 Although, I think my visits to the dentist would keep going in the following month or even maybe two. What would turn the whole thing into some kind of dental "pilgrimage." - LOL -

Dental Pilgrimage ......hahaha...I absolutely love that

My biggest fear.
I went in 2016 to the dentist because I needed to get check again.
And she told me that all of my wisdome teeth need to be taken out, but she wanted to start with the 2 at the bottom first, cause they are not laying right, but one at the time.
So she took the first one out and everything was fine, but the pain the next day I had was horrible.
Now I am sitting here and still have 3 of them and I am so scared to get them taking out.

I think I can understand you quite well, although I have only one left. Everything is OK as long as they are peaceful and don't cause any trouble. But as far as I know and heard, sometimes they might be very problematic. But, of course, it depends from case to case and from person to person.

Great post, thank you for sharing.
I too experience the love/hate relationship with my dentist.
When my children were small, I would not let them go with me to the dentist for my appointments so my phobias would not be shared with them.

hahaha - Amazing! Exactly the same here! I would go with them to the dentist when their teeth had to be checked, but when it was because of me - no way! I was trying to play tough and fearless mom! - lol - 😁

I was a dental Nurse in middle east before and I understand how you feel. The feeling of hate and love.. The important is you have the best smile and more self confidence! That's their mission anyways.. :)

hahaha - Yeah, that's right! Agree with you completely!
And thank you for your positive spirit and encouragement! 🙂

Yes, you are really right! I often forget about my teeth, but I try to visit dentist twice a year. Your article is very useful and it gave me great motivation! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for understanding and as well for stopping by and leaving a comment! 🙂

Oh yes, the story about going to the dentist. Thank you for the reminders at the end.. I am also one to avoid dentists for the reasons you mentioned. I almost decided to stop reading as the details kept attacking my brain. But I kept reading and found a pleasant awesome dentistry adventure.

I'm glad you didn't stop reading and manage to the end! 🙂
I think almost every one of us, at least from time to time, need to be reminded that it's not such a bad thing to take care of our teeth and keep them healthy, as well as the picture we are usually painting around dentists is not that dark as it might seem inside our heads. 😉 🙂

me too, I hate going to dentist and injection itself. But when I started to have my braces I am loving it for it makes my teeth straight and strong and be looking good!

Thank you so much for sharing this story of yours!


My daughter was wearing braces as well (for several years, in fact) but now she has a beautiful smile! 🙂
You can see it here. 😉
It was more than worthy! 😊

Oh seversl years? How many years to be exact? mine is only 2 years, and even just a month I already see improvement. Oh I will check it out @ana-maria:D

I don't recall it with 100% certainty but it was for sure 3 or 4 years. Not the same one all the time, as the teeth were corrected through time the braces (the kind she had) needed to be replaced with a new one.
I remember she hated it at the time, but now she is very happy she managed to go through that period. 🙂

Oh yes.. But the perk having a braces you will not gonna eat hard food.. And i hate it.. Haha but now i can adjust😉😉

Svako se boji zubara, ko kaže suprotno taj laže! Meni je stric zubar, i inače jako super, zabavna i ugodna osoba, i super zubar kad smo kod toga, al ga izbjegavam ko vraga :D

hahaha - Točno znam o čemu pričaš! 😁

My wife worked for a dentist for 30 years!! The key to feeling even more comfortable there is KNOWING that the office is a clean environment! That will take much of the unknown anxiety away.

Well, to be honest, I never had any doubts regarding that with any of my dentists, but the anxiety part is still the beast I'm fighting with. 🙂

I often respect dentistry,but sometime i hate becoz of their annoying pain while tooth extraction.(experience from my last tooth removle)😁😁😁Anywz suggestive post.keep it up.

Yeah, I think every one of us could write a dozen stories on the topic from some own experience and many different angles. 😉 😁

However, thank you for the comment and stopping by! 🙂

Having problem with the teeth can be very dangerous

That's very true! Unfortunately, we sometimes neglect or just forget that fact until is at least a bit too late. 😉 🙂

This post made me smile! And reminded me... I best get out of bed and brush my teeth! Thanks for sharing!

hahaha - 👍

@ana-maria Yeah and I didn't know the billion problems in the world right now are because I don't floss :D #ThingsMyDentistSay

Oh Lord, I even forgot that floss part! - lol - 😁
So many things to take care and think about when the teeth are in question!

I swear!!!

Am afraid of dentist, as a kid I stayed away from sweets(just so i won't visit the dentist)
Didn't work tho!!! 😂😂

Yeah, I think my fear and frustration with dentists also started from childhood although I didn't have many issues with my teeth at that time. But with aging, and especially by avoiding to visit the dentist for a longer time punch me back directly in my face in the way I wasn't expecting. 😉

I am very afraid of going to my dentist but I have to go absolutely.

I would surely encourage you to do so! You might be surprised how well everything would turn out! 🙂

I can't remember when was the last time I went to the dentist. When I read this I kinda felt guilty haha

hahaha - Well, then it's maybe the time to give a visit to your dentist. 😉

It's a nice post. I always scary about to go on dentists.

Maybe if you observe it from a more funny angle and take in consideration overall health and as well esthetical advantages, I'm sure you would find a strength and a good reason to fight against your fear. 😉

Worst place on earth !

Yeah! Exactly! 😁

Ours is a dental practice that puts our patients at the forefront. Everything we do is focused on your comfort, goals, and smile. We focus on preventive care, to stop problems from starting and address small issues before they become big ones. We also emphasize minimally-invasive care that yields the best results for you.

Oh, so you are a dentist???
Never the less, I think most of the dentists work and approach their patients the same or similar way as you described, but we still have to deal with our fear issues sometimes. 😉

well said! upvoting you too


I think this is a tue relationship between dentist or pesent

lol - If you ask me, yes it is for sure! 😁

Teeth are one of the members of the body that we use to feel all the pleasures of food in this world so @ana maria always make love with your dentist so you always feel happy with the favors her food

Yes, you are right and as well I am a true lover of tasty food, so that's for sure one of the important reasons to keep my teeth healthy and keep enjoying in whole the available rhapsody of flavors that different food can bring. 🙂

Nice story man;) I had similar ones with my dentist;p u have my vote !


I know its such a pain .... i have gone through my teeth bleaching and i know it feels like... ;-)

@adityajainxds #thealliance

I am far away from that teeth bleaching phase (if I even decide to take it), as I still have to bring the repairing phase to its end, first. 🙂

Very descriptive nice post

Thank you.

Hahaha dentists get the better of me too, unfortunately A lot of my adult teeth never appeared and that has left a lot of my teeth that have had to be removed. But overall the dentist is a blessing in disguise

Dentist experience is really really upsetting most of the times😀😀 but if you happen to hv a good dentist then it’s great👍 Thanks for sharing 👊🏽

Well, I'm sure the dentists are the blessing but sometimes they also appear as a curse to me. 😉🙂

Where can I find the dentist from the movie Horrible Bosses...Jennifer A!

thanks, happy today

Who are afraid to see the dentist like me.? attendance

I don't know! Who is??? 😉

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Hahahaha nice msg this competition

What competition???

i really enjoy your post, very interesting story @ana-maria

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This post has received a 1.37 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @ana-maria.

Nice informative article. Dentle health is vital. Thank you

Yes, it is, more than we sometimes think. 🙂

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You are welcome...


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good post

I think we have been told these words quite often and certainly have become used to it...It is like telling your patients to floss their teeth...They always, “Pass On”!!!
You have described the Monster Room quite efficiently but you missed only one thing, Only this Monster Room transforms the Grumpy Smiles into Perfect Smiles and you should see the smiles on their face...I can take all this mythical hate again to see and relish that joy.

Well, I didn't want to ruin my article with such toothless, black-teethed or similar ugly smile. I thought the description would be enough and the photo of the smile at the end of the post worthy enough to go through the procedure and as you call it "Monster Room!" 😉🙂

Your post do show both sides of the coin (tho one side is more vivid 😉) and I did saw that pic in the conclusion too but i was referring to the general notion people have towards the Dentistry and Dentists. I just meant that we are happily taking all those blames and Social Stigmas as outlaws of the Society.

🙂 Well, I understood the first time what you meant by...

I can take all this mythical hate again to see and relish that joy.

Having some dentists not only as friends but as well in the family too, I'm quite familiar with the mindset including the proud final result and its glory, while the way to it sometimes might be longer or even painful (as for the patient, in some other way for the dentist as well). 🙂

Besides, my niece who happens to be just a few years younger than me (as my sister is way older) is also a Dentist. We somewhat grew together, so I went with her through all her stages from starting her university education until her PhD (several years ago). And when I said went all along with her I mean it literally, as I was the one who examines here before exams and not to mention long lasting different stages of working practice (from basic to specialization) during which I played the main "laboratory mouse". 😁

But when she got her PhD I decided to stop that, as every our coffee would begin (as I am already here, came to pick her up) or end up (as we are not that far) in her dental office. Therefore, I told her one day that I have enough of her "professional deformation" and I want just a decent coffee with her, and if she wouldn't stop I'll change a doctor. Of course, she didn't believe and that's where from, in the first place, my long pause in visiting dentists originates and that's why I'm going to my dentist friend now, although some things (inside my mouth) I would still let do only to my niece. 😉
But I don't want to spoil more my coffees with her than it's necessary.

What a lovely experience. Thanks for sharing with us the good and the other part of the story.

Hmmm... Lovely??? - Not so sure about that!

Wow. such a beautiful post. It's very good information.thanks for sharing it.keep it up.all people will like it.

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You are welcome! Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

Thanks for post dear @ana-maria

You are welcome.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment