Now that fall is upon us.. let's take a look at the beautiful changes

in lifestyle •  8 years ago  (edited)

Brilliance. Breathtaking. Exquisite.

 photo Screen Shot 2016-10-07 at 4.03.33 PM_zpst5xomg35.png

The colors are showing us things. Feelings curated by the enveloping chemical changes in the makeup of nature itself.

 photo Screen Shot 2016-10-07 at 4.04.27 PM_zpsrwfumb12.png

Still Green.. but vibrant.

 photo Screen Shot 2016-10-07 at 4.04.15 PM_zpsx5dsrfut.png

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Not seeing the science or education or spirituality in this post. I see nice pictures though. You should use better tags for exposure of your material to the right crowds. :)

Thanks! Updated the tags!