in lifestyle •  7 years ago 

Hey friends! This is more like a bedtime tale. But you know the deal - Never should a day go by without steeming. So better late than never!

I had a bad power out day in my area today due to the windy rainy morning and my device was off all day. But you know what? Another positive addiction I have apart from steeming is Learning Something New Daily.

Learning something new is one of thw best ways to leverage your spare time.

I learn about people, about places, new ways of earning and in general, I learn a new skill on a daily basis.
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I read about the most successful people in the world. And today I hit a life changing information. Thus;

"Those who consistently succeed are those who are best at learning new skills."

When I came across the above quote, I felt so excited and motivated to keep opening my mind to learning new things.

I learned that people who are consistently successful are people who make the commitment to dedicate their spare time consciously to the pursuit of learning. Isn't this a great lesson?

We also have those who veg out in front of the television. And end up wasting precious time and a whole day without learning something significant.

Promise me you won't waste any day of your life. Oh yeah!

stick to the promise of learning!.

With that promise in mind, may I let you know that there are countless things you can learn in your spare time. Seriously, There are valuable things to learn that will improve your life. Both personally, financially and career wise.


The readiness to learn a new skills daily shouldn't be a daunting task. Be on the look out, there are lessons everywhere. It will only be a daunting task if you narrow down your expectations of what should be learnt to specific well known thing. You can learn from the insects, the birds and the playing children!


Once I was discussing with some friends under a flower tree and I noticed a spider carefully began to spin its web. It was amazing.

The wisdom in hanging the web from one corner to the other was spectacular. It wasn't done half hazardly. But with care and calculations.

I felt motivated. I picked some insight from the spider. Being careful and calculated. It is the carefulness in building its web that enable it to hang on even when a serious wind blows. You too can learn from a spider or from anything.

Learn about History, science, health, places, animals, fun facts, etc. That's how I spend my day.

There are huge benefits in learning. You grow your intellect, get to know about new and different opportunities and a whole lot of other benefits.

I hope you find this post helpful. Learn something new today!


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each moment in our lives is an opportunity to learn something new, so we must open up and be ready to learn to improve upon our lives. You might never know that what you learnt are that moment will be the major contributor to your success.

Thank you @enoch158 for stopping by to make an input. cheers!

First of all, sorry for the outage.
Your lines are quite inspiring and thoughtful, well detailed and comprehensive.

Everyday comes with it own unique lessons and with all i have read this evening you are headef to the top. Keep reading, keep learning and keep relating.. All these three factors found here on steemit.

Thanks for sharing.

I am me @brightfame

Thank you brother. We should get used to outage by now @brightfame. And Thank you for visiting my blog. Learning is a continuum. the day we stop learning, we die.