My life in Egypt: Chapter one, first steps

in lifestyle •  7 years ago  (edited)

My journey
Hey, my name is Dominik I'm 19 years old and I'm from Poland.
I would like to tell you guys a story about me living in Egypt for a year.

Story time

I was 13 when I moved to Egypt with my mother and our cat Kicia.
Let's start with airport when we arrived at our airport in Katowice everyone was shocked how a cat can fly on the plane with them. #catscanfly
Kicia got her own seat right next to me and my mother, she was calm the whole way, kids were coming to us to stroke her a little bit.

First steps

After few more hours, we've landed in Hurghada, our friend picked up us from the airport and we could finally rest.
Few days after landing was lazy, we needed to acclimate to the new environment, my mother finally found a job, she was selling tours and scuba diving for tourists.

I was sitting whole day in our apartment, sometimes I went to the nearest public beach to chill a bit.
We've met really cool Polish people living there, some of them are our friends till today.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, part two is coming soon.

I'm really sorry for my English.

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