
in lifestyle •  7 years ago  (edited)

What is trust?

According to wikipedia, trust is the confidence in or reliance in something or someone. Now, what is your own definition of the word "trust"? I define it as the total submission of one's self to another thereby giving the second party an access to exploit all your weaknesses and strengths believing that no harm can come to you.
Trust is an essential part of our daily lives cause we daily encounter persons or people of different cultural beliefs and yet entrust valuables into their hands.
At some various points in time of our lives , we might have been betrayed or wounded by someone whom we gave this power over us. The question is this: "how did you react after this experience?". Many have been so consumed by this experiences that they are blinded to treasures that lies in front of them.
Some of us seek refuge in distrust and when asked why? You get responses like "everyone is a suspect", "i have been hurt several times and the only way it can stop is to see everyone as a suspect". I tell you its a wrong ideology to live with and you might as well end up having more enemies than friends.
You can agree with me that your future lies in your present, the decision you make today and not in your past. Therefore, i urge each and everyone of you to let your light so shine that the darkness cannot comprehend it. Everyone deserves a second chance ... Trust again

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