Improve you resilience immune system

in lifestyle •  5 years ago 

As everyone in the world comes to grips with the realities of the Covid 19 pandemic i thought it would be a good time for us remind ourselves of how important our immune system. Our immune system provides biological, biochemical and even chemical weaponry to keep our body defended and to help it repair and recover from challenges. We need to improve our resilience as much as we can and optimum nutrition plays a powerful role here.

Science has proven that our immune function is nutrition dependent. That the absence or presence of important nutritional components has a profound impact on our immune capacity, its ability to protect us and thus our survival. When nutrition is poor, our immune systems are compromised, but when nutrition is good our immune systems are good. When our nutrition is great our immune systems can reach their highest potential to protect us from the widest array of challenges.
It’s never too late to work on maximising your immune system’s ability to protect you! Focusing on immune boosting and immune balancing nutrition is something everyone can do. It’s not a question of if it is possible, it’s only a question of how strongly we all embrace it.


Undernutrition, or deficiency of key essential vitamins and minerals, is known to result in immune dysfunction or compromise. Immune-compromising vitamin and mineral deficiencies include vitamins A, D, C, E, B6, and B12, folic acid, zinc, iron, copper, and selenium. This is not a new idea, but I felt that an article published in the January 2020 issue of the journal Nutrients, titled “A Review of Micronutrients and the Immune System- Working in Harmony to Reduce the Risk of Infection” was timely, and strongly reaffirms this well-known reality. They state, “Adequate amounts are essential to ensure proper function of physical barriers and immune cells"
The presence or absence of these immune-centric vitamins and minerals “modulates” our immune capability and strength. Simply stated, that means when they are low in the diet, immune power is compromised or suppressed.
Conversely, when they are abundant in the diet immune power is elevated. Sadly, most people are deficient in one or more of these key essential nutrients.
God only created 59 nutrients, Provitality and Neolife shake together provides a terrific combination of 52 out of these 59 nutrients to give us that right foundational nutrient to support the immune system and improve resilience to everything that life throws at you. This is a meal replacement pack. You know what is beautiful about this meam pack. Where can you find a meal for just over 2 dollars that is organic, that is got 25 essential nutrients, that's got 200 digestive enzymes. There is nothing out there that's got the 22 amino acids.


In addition to these Immune-centric vitamins and minerals there is a great and growing body of evidence that other whole-food nutrients play critical roles in immune function. Like the vitamins and minerals above, their presence oror absence modulates our immune capacity

Carotenoids are a great example. These lipid soluble, colourful components that make carrots orange or
peppers red are well documented in scientific literature to be immune modulators. Remember, modulation
means when carotenoids are low in the diet immune capacity is suppressed. Conversely, when they are
abundant in the diet immune capacity is elevated. This immune modulating effect has been shown in
powerful clinical studies. Studies of NeoLife Carotenoid Complex showed that Carotenoid Complex dramatically increased both immune cell levels and overall immune cell response by up to 37% in just 20 days!


The role of omega-3 fatty acids in immune function has not gotten the same level of attention as other
nutrient groups. They are known more for their heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory benefits. NeoLife research
first touched on omega-3’s and immune function 2007 clinical trial showed inflammatory balancing benefits and 8-week human study with Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus demonstrated the ability to alter membrane composition of cells in a way which reduced the inflammatory index by up to a massive 68% in that
short length of time.

Whole grain food factor (lipids and sterols) are cellular nutrtoon for energy and vitality. Connection between chronic fatigue and the absence of whole grain lipids nutrient called lipids and sterols and resulting lower cellular energy production have been proven by many researchers. Neolife research led to the pioneering concept of whole grain lipids supplementation which provides wide range of lipds and sterols from whole grains for building cell membranes, optimising cell membrane function to help cells to be nourished and work at thier best, also allowing for good communication wituin cells and between cells. With respect to immune cell function it’s important to note that flexible and dynamic membranes are vital to the ability of the immune cells to move around the body to areas where they are needed, such as for example the site of infection or injury.


With this brief look at the workings of our immune system, we can see that our first- and second-line defences play an important role in protecting our body from harmful foreign substances. We need to ensure that our bodies are resilient to combat the many challenges it may face- we need optimal nutrition. A well-balanced diet together with additional support from NeoLife Nutritionals can help provide optimal levels of all nutrients, paving the way for your resilient journey!

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