A study conducted by researchers at Yale University Cancer Center showed that the risk of colon cancer decreases drastically when regular nutritious food began to eat. Not only this, those who are already suffering from this disease, their chances of getting new cancer cells are reduced.
After analyzing this study on about 826 patients with colon cancer, experts started to learn that regular level of nutrients inside the body started to increase, resulting in the destruction of cancer cells. Not only that, the probability of the disruption of small and big diseases, which are housed in the body, increased by 46 percent. So the crown that had been on apple's head so long ago, now it has taken a kind of nut. Recently, more than one study found that there is no substitute for nuts to keep away from treatment at a small cost. With the addition of several minerals and vitamins, the food started to show in the game that many of the deadly diseases were forced to stay away, while the body became increasingly promising that the life span would increase. After reading so far, surely you want to know about the quality of the nut? So why wait and wait, let's know how bad nuts called "super food" keep away from cancer and also helps to keep us healthy.
Eliminates the antioxidant deficiency:
This is an element that plays a special role in preventing various diseases, as well as by preventing cancer and also by improving the immune system. It is not the end here, antioxidants tend to be more useful. For example, by reducing abnormal traction, it helps prevent cell wounds, as well as reduce skin and body fat.
Keeps the cells in mind:
Vitamin E is available in large quantities of nuts in the body, as well as increase the efficiency of the cells spread on every corner of the body, so that their body does not cause any kind of wound. As a result of age, the body does not have any effect on it.
Reduces weight:
After eating almonds, it decreases altogether. As a result, the tendency to eat excessive diet decreases. Additionally, the likelihood of increasing the weight of the excess calories required in the body decreases.
Improvement of digestion capacity:
Several studies have found that the consumption of cashew nuts in regular water increases the intake of certain enzymes within the body, due to which the digestion capacity improves. At the same time, the incidence of gas and ovum also decreased. Now I understand that food is Bengali, why should we eat nuts every day!
Removes antioxidant deficiencies in the body:
It is a component that plays a special role in preventing various diseases, as well as by preventing cancer, as well as by improving disease prevention. It is not the end here, antioxidants tend to be more useful. For example, by reducing abnormal traction, it helps prevent cell wounds, as well as reduce skin and body fat.
Controls bad cholesterol:
The statistics of the past decade will see how uncontrolled cholesterol increases heart rate due to heart disease. So it is important to be careful about this issue. You should be careful that the body does not increase the amount of bad cholesterol in any way. And how to do this job? Very easy! If you add nutrient to the daily diet, then you will not have to worry about the health of the heart. Actually, some effective substances present in the nuts increase the cholesterol levels in the body. As a result, bad cholesterol levels start to decrease. There may be a decrease in heart disease.
Diabetes keeps the disease under control:
Almond magnesium helps keep blood sugar levels in control. That's why Diabetics regularly advised to eat almonds. In fact, a recent study found that the risk of getting type 2 diabetes decreased by 25-38 percent, if regular non-nutritious eating habits. So, in those families, this disease has a history of disease, they started using Naud for the time being. See if the benefits are met.
Nutritional deficiencies are eliminated:
The main ingredient of this home by shaking from the Middle East is about 3.5 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, 14 grams of Vitamin E, manganese, vitamin B2, phosphorus and magnesium with fat. All these components need special care to keep the body healthy. In some cases, these components help to keep away from multiple chronic diseases. In fact, playing a handful of almonds only 161 calories entered the body. As a result, eating this food has no fear of increasing weight.