The humour of Wedding Woes

in lifestyle •  7 years ago 


Weddings have really become astronomically outrageous. That venue is carefully chosen and quotes are distributed according to the cost of using the 'venue', payment per head, the food on offer, the extravagant cake, dancing lessons, the dress, the suit, the bridesmaids, the groom, the terrible concern about those who will not get an invitation because of the price per head, the budget doesn't allow for more' heads', the outfits of the mothers and fathers. Etc and etc.

After this amazingly happy and lavish day, the parents of the bride might have to put their house up for sale and eat bully beef and maize!!


Thank goodness winter is here, wedding season has finally come to an end. I was raised in a culture of the actual marriage performed in a church and the ceremony in the church hall. The bride always looked lovely, the fruit cake was delicious and so the food. The atmosphere wonderful, where children were around and the cost of the whole wedding next to nothing. What has happened that all that vanished?

I found a piece Darrell Bristow - Bovey wrote about his take on weddings. He wrote this in a conversational manner with the society's outlook and his feelings about it.

  • This couple you probably don't know very well is getting married.
  • That's great. I sincerely wish them well and hope it lasts.
  • Thanks, but they would like you to see them get married.
  • What?, Why?
  • Because they want you to see how happy they are together.
  • They can just tell me, I will believe them.
  • No, you have to put on uncomfortable clothes and drive somewhere inconvenient as well as give up at least one of your weekend days to see just how happy they are.
  • Will they be happy then?
  • No, she'll stress and he'll be wishing it was over already and there will be some sort of concealed dispute among family members.
  • That doesn't sound like fun.
  • Plus there will be speeches and don't forget the gift!!
  • What?
  • Not just any gift, but chosen from the approved list.
  • Wait, this sounds like the sort of thing that North Koreans have to do to please their dictators.


A comical outlook of which much rings true. If a lavish wedding is desired I am of the opinion that it must be affordable without having financial problems afterwards and that the occasion will be awesome, never to forget.

Sources : Own Content, Attribution to writer mentioned, Pixabay.


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So true!

weddings are the most precious things happen in life it is the bond created between two families and thats the biggest achievement in the promoting history of" love "