I Was There. Remembering 9/11.

in lifestyle •  5 years ago 

Yesterday was 9/11. I didn’t go on Facebook or Twitter or any other social media. I don’t want to see those messages. Vain and insincere. Odd forms of misplaced patriotism. It’s just too much.


The moment just before impact on Tower 2. (img src)

I seem to have this struggle with what to do on 9/11 every year. It’ll probably forever be the most important day in my life. A morning that shaped the world for generations to come. And I’ve never really truly processed it. Maybe I never will.

I was there. And for 2-3 weeks after.

It was like living in a war zone. F-15s, F-16s, KC-135s.


These things were in the air for weeks after the incident. (img src)

All manner of military airplanes constantly flying over head. Black smoke billowing up from the southern tip of the island, smoke the blackest black you ever saw. Forever wafting up and away from my Brooklyn vantage point. People walking about in a daze, staring blankly at each other, up into the sky, at nothing. People crying. Phones not working. People lost. Children out of school. Buying milk & bread & eggs because what do u do?

More whooshes from the planes overhead. More smoke. And more smoke. It seemed like the fire would never end.

My mom created some make-work job for me me back home just to get me out of there for a little while. It was nice to get out of the craziness for a bit. The whole City was shellshocked for a good long while after it happened. It was a weird time.

I was home for a month. Somehow I ended up getting a job down in SoHo a couple weeks after and you could still smell the soot and the metal and the blood. Burning away for months after.


The cleanup lasted until May 2002. (img src)

I can still recall that smell in my nose to this day. I hope I never smell it again.

God bless the 8 million or so of us that actually lived through that day in The City.

Never forget.

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For many years, we have heard that a “free-energy device is just around the corner,” but it never seems to come to fruition. Nikola Tesla wanted to give free energy to the world nearly 100 years ago but was afraid it would fall into the wrong hands and be used for destructive purposes. Well, that is no longer just a risk; it has already happened. However, until we understand just how powerful this technology is as well as how powerful the interests are that control it, we won’t see it in general use. We first need to respect what this technology can do, otherwise it would be like leaving a gun cabinet unlocked around children who do not know what guns can do. We also need the world to see what this technology has done. This technology was used to destroy the World Trade Center complex on 9/11/01 and was a demonstration of a new kind of free-energy technology in front of the entire world. As more people around the world recognize this, the less power the controlling interests will have. And if the entire world knows that free-energy technology exists, individuals can openly build their own devices and share their designs with others. It won’t be a secret!

Despite the widely perpetrated mud on Judy Wood,

with her extensive, pertinent and uncompromising scientific expertise, is the only person to date that was able to conduct, publish and file in court as part of a federal qui tam case, the most comprehensive investigation of what actually happened to the World Trade Center complex. The information presented in the book "Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11" has NOT been invalidated by anyone to date. To see it right now, click here:

A huge hug from @amico! 🤗

I bet it must be a traumatizing experience to be there in person and see so much destruction. It's probably not easy for you to write about it even now, after 18 years

I’m telling you. It’s that smell. I’ll never forget it. It lingered for months in downtown Manhattan. And certain images get seared into your mind.

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Thank you so much for sharing your amazing experience which is now Featured on steemit.com. I grew up around Manhattan and lived there for the last ten years, but was in Michigan during 9/11. I can't imagine what it was like. Thanks again for sharing.

Thank you @andrarchy! I think it’s important to emphasize the real human experience of that day, which directly effected so many, rather than the political impacts, conspiracy theory, etc. that we all too often get.

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"Amazing" might be the wrong word..

Traumatic might be more along the lines of what he was expressing.. but I tend to think that all of us human beings experience trauma sooner or later.. so none of us are ever alone in that.

How amazing???

The mere smell was deadly causing cancer for many of the people participating in the rescue and cleanup. That's terrifying.

Smell of thermite in the morning.

Thank you for your statement.
However, you need to progress. Dig about the work of Ace Baker (no airplanes at all, the main distraction manoeuvre), the work of Dr Judy Woods (no demolitions, no collapses, no nuke explosions nor thermites of the 9 buildings in WTC area, no more false debunkings; the new technology which was weaponised and used to disintegrate the buildings), the Hutchinson effect (reproducible but not explainable yet by civil Science) and the work of Christopher Bollyn ( the political side of 911). For evidence how the three events Oaklahoma City, 911 and Fukushima are connected by the same sort of evidence, dig into the work of Andrew Johnson. I leave you the links below. Go through it, it is worth; this are the main keys. Let me know if you want more details, please.

@fredrikka why you guys cannot bear the different thoughts?If you don't like the view then leave it for others, someone may find it worth or interesting. Why to hide from others?

One of the darkest days of humanity

Dancing Israelies arrested with explosives on Sept 11, 2001

I remember it as well and I was nowhere near to the incident; but it was my grandpa's birthday and usually we'd go over for lunch. Remember leaving school and getting to my grandpa's house, where the TV was on and family members were talking about "a plane that hit the WTC" in the US. The news were broadcasting it live here in Brazil and we were questioning... - how can a plane hit a building like that?.

A few minutes later, bang... another one, no one could leave the TV... the rest we all know what happened.

So every 9/11 I remember of my grandpa, that I no longer have, and I also remember the horror of what humans can do to each other.

I often wonder why we should never forget. It doesn’t seem that knowing and remembering is very often rewarded with justice these days.

It’s not about justice. It’s about respect.

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I have so much respect for the victims that I demand that they receive justice. And I will demand it as long as I live.

Here is a link to the recent study of the collapse of WTC 7

I see this Never Forget statement everywhere, and I think it tends to be used in slightly different ways. Honestly, I’ve never understood why it’s been adopted by so many people and specifically used in reference to this day. What does it mean to you? Why do you use it when referring to this day?

Literally because I will never forget what happened that day. I can’t. It’s impossible. Every little detail is burned into my memory. From the time I woke up and looked out the window. All of the walking around town checking on friends while F16s were flying overhead. Standing on the Brooklyn waterfront with a bunch of strangers not talking but actively commiserating still somehow while looking at the endless smoke coming out. Trying to eat but not being able to. Trying to contact my mother but not being able to... All of that.

Never forget.

I’ll never forget that day either. I wasn’t in the city, though. I was in Upstate NY, and unlike NYC where you had fighter jets flying overhead for days and weeks, I remember the absence of aircraft for days being particularly eerie and strange. I was with a close friend of mine who was frantically trying to get a hold of his sister, who lived a few blocks from the Trade Towers, and his parents, who happened to be in DC.

I’ll also never forget March 11, 2011. I was in Sendai, Japan during that big earthquake and tsunami. Fortunately I was just out of reach of the water and never saw the wave. I imagine that experience is much more similar to your 9/11 experience. Everyone around me, myself included, was displaced for days and weeks. It was a very strange and somber time.

I still just don’t understand the use of Never forget. It’s an imperative statement. It’s comes off as threatening and pushy to me. Like I need to remember that day and for a specific purpose. I was alive. I was effected, and because of that I’ll never forget it, just like I’ll never forget March 11, 2011.

You seem to be aware of the way this statement is often used and appropriated, that’s why I was curious as to why you use it too. For me, it’s kind of a negative statement, but I see that it doesn’t come off that way to everyone.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Yeah, I don’t like how it gets used either. But that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna use it. For me, the big issue is I can use “Never forget.” because I was there. Those that weren’t there don’t really have the right to use it IMHO. I would bet that the people who weren’t there use it in the negative icky way you refer to. And those of us that were mean it in a sincere and respectful way.

Words are weird like that, huh?

You’re right about the earthquake. It’s that displacement for weeks afterwards. Like, what do we do now that we’ve experienced this unprecedented trauma? How do we catch our breath?

Lucky for me, I had friends in upstate New York and went up there for a few days and just kind of hid out for a bit. It was quiet. There were no planes overhead. No perpetual fire. That was a very healing time. None of us really had a clue how to act in such a situation.

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You’ve reminded me of a picture where two people are standing on opposites sides of a number and looking at. One person’s sees a six, the other a nine, and they are arguing about who is right. It’s all about perspective. I wasn’t in the city on that day and ever since that day I’ve only ever heard people who weren’t in the city on that day say, Never Forget, so it’s never really made any sense to me, just in the way the words are used and in the funny ways that language fails to communicate clearly the user’s intention.

I’m glad I asked you. I was afraid it would come off as rude considering the emotional weight of that day and the experiences that you had surrounding it. I’m glad you were able to escape the city for a time and recover. I was in Saratoga Springs, and even there, there was this sense of what do we do? How do we move on? How do we go to work when this is happening? I use the word happening because it seemed like something else would happen next. Everyone was just waiting, helplessly, worried, and wanting to know more for at least a week. It was a very strange time. A lot of the feelings I had on that day and afterward were feelings I had never felt before. I can’t imagine having actually been in the city on that day and afterward.

I miss the "inside job"/false flag info, which should be
normal to Steemians. No mentioning this!?
Then i will have to disagree on the rewards.
All the best still for your "trauma"

That’s not really my bag, luca. That stuff is every where. You can go read it there. I’m just relating my own personal experience, which is all I can really truly offer. My experience is unique; those theories, while interesting, are not unique. They’re a dime a dozen. And often put forth by people who weren’t even there. That just doesn’t feel right to me. If you weren’t actually there that day and didn’t experience the mood and the people and the emotions yourself, please don’t disrespect us by turning it all into some crazy conspiracy theory. Although it may be true (who knows? how will we ever know? who had JFK killed?), the anniversary of the day should be more about relating to people’s primal experience of that day, not later analysis of it.

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Wake up, Sleepy.
It's shocking that even though you witnessed it, that you
don't question it!
Do your homework , then you will be 100% sure like me,
who blew up the towers.
Ever heard of PRS?
And it should be all about analysing, so it won't happen again.
Or can you tell me why no pieces of the plane were found, with
an engine made with parts of titan, which has a higher melting point
then the 911 fire of the buidings, or witnesses from the lower floors,
who heard/felt the/an explosion 1-2 seconds before anything hit the buildings...
and,and,and... a lot of research and homework, you see.
No conspiracy.
Conspiracy is a "Think Tank" for the sheeples, sponsored with millions
of dollers every year, so you stay
away from the one and only truth.
And guess who invented that "Think Tank"....
the CIA around Kennedy times ;)

Oh, for sure, I question it, @luca1777. I’ve always questioned it. But there’s nothing I can do about it. I know how I feel about the conspiracy side of things. I just don’t feel like putting my tinfoil hat on and running around like Paul Revere. What difference would it make anyway?

If you’d read the piece, you’d know where I was coming from. That is from the place of people who went through that day and will have to live through the rest of our lives having experienced that. Regardless of whose fault it was for that happening, that actually happened! Whether it was planes, or a bomb, or all visual effects does not negate the fact that millions of people lived directly through a tragedy and deserve a tremendous amount of respect on the anniversary day of that tragedy. Spend the other 364 days doing what you will, but on 9/11 you need to respect the people who lost and cried and were scared and had their lives irrevocably changed.

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Ok, fair enough.
It's 100% from my heart, when i tell you, that
the research is done to avoid this madness for future times
and generations.
It was probably horror for you and i wish you the best to deal with it...
but: Let's get those Bastards ;)
Power to the People.
Only the Truth will set us free.
1 Love

Who cares all the People the American Soldiers killed all over the World after World War 2? USA need War. If they get a Fals Flag Attack inside of the DREAM, they are shocked...

But all the Blood from this Country was much more than this 3000 Killed People.
I know, the "easy" man and woman have no fault for this.

Why you did not talk about what was happen @ this Day??? Just your few? Sorry
I get no tears for this.


a think is funny to say stuff like this. yes a lot of death has happen but he was not in world war 2. he was there. so way are you saying this. am sure he care for what happen in world war 2 also.

I did talk about what was happen AFTER WW2. And i think there was just one big Country with a very high Number of aggressive War beginnings on our World....

But i do not know anything.

How cares the People who die every day TODAY from Bombs and Bullets of American and German Weapon Industrie´s??? I dont care people who cry in a collective like all the others...

Yeah, there’s no need for this kind of talk. None of the people who fought to save lives that day had anything to do with whatever happened next. That’s a political issue. And most of us are not politicians. In no way am I trying to justify anything that America did afterwards using 9/11 as a pretense. I’m just relating my little story (among 8 million other stories plus 3,000 stories we will never know).

And don’t get me started on World War 2. Especially coming from a German. RUFKM? 😳That’s a whole nuther story that maybe one day I’ll share here.

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I now just what i live today, not from erliery i do not get one step on this world. Today i should fight a American illegal War as a German Soldier.... Nothing more to say. We are all just Puppets. I dont spend time for Shows. And do never forget, the Winner wrote the Story. ;-) Salve and have a good time. Alucian

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

You spoke my mind bro...a single gunshot in a bar of some part of US makes a big headlines everywhere but nobody bats an eye when thousands people die on syria/ iraq or other part of the world outside the big countries. We have been brainwashed by these medias and authorities for a long time now.

Indeed the 9/11 events and those that follow after were remarkable chronicles that have changed the world as we see it. For some, its a day not to talk about or recall to mind. While for others, is just another day to stay at home. Well, it will mean different things to different folks. Let me take us through memory lane: going back to the events that led to the 9/11 viz CIA warning, etc, can we really say we have learnt the lessons it taught us? In the coming years ahead, can we see those red signs that led to the global incidence and tactfully prevent them with the minimum damage to lives and property? Why as yet we all comment and recall this event, i encourage and challenge us to all do our quota to avoid another of its kind; whether in the developed, developing or underdeveloped world. 9/11 should remind us all that we all share something in common which is our bond as people from one family which is called HUMANITY. Thanks @Shanghaipreneur for bringing this to memory

Well said, well said. I watched the FIBA World Cup semis with a French friend today. He mentioned some of the events that have happened there in recent years. I think we’d best try to avoid repeats of that. I don’t exactly know how to do that, but in my gut I’d say it starts with hearing about what happened those days from those that directly experienced it.

Never forget people that died there and those who died in the years after and still are. Very sad period of time.

Fuck everything except LOVE!

I hope everyone upvotes this comment way past 2c!

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Listen dude, nobody cares if you were there or no, we all know you here to earn STEEM money (may or may not be), so be genuine, and speak one tongue. My Mom being Govt. accountant for 30 years died like savege on streets and noone even bothered to help her coz they feared to answer the justice system. Witness say she was ramped by pickup truck (driver was drunk as hell, he/she managed to bribe so called authorities and got away with it Good for him/her). Where is justice here, so do think I/world really care what you share, you being there on 9/11. I don't want to disrespect you, all I want to say is whatever we witness or we are, the ugly world don't care. All we can say " world is beautiful place, be here for a while and leave it without any regret". To summarize it, I really don't care about this video, because innocent people die on 9/11 and few businessmen made profit. That's the truth.

because its about USA dude, the world we live is like this and just you, I or someone else aren't going to change. I am surprised that nobody has downvoted this comment saying disrespectful or something like that. It's very hard to be odd man on steemit. If the masses like it then you have to follow them or you'll be dragged below the ground.

I went to NYC and Ground Zero years later and it was still such a mess - so I can't even imagine how it must have been like right after.

I went to the memorial which wasn't as 'clean and big' as the one that they have now but I looked at the pictures in that little 'museum' and I'll always remember that one picture of a couple posing from (what I guess is) a rooftop, both smiling, with the Twin Towers in the background. They had both died in those same Twin Towers on 9/11 as they both worked there.

The human impact of something like 9/11 is really almost impossible to comprehend. Conspiracy theories aside, what happened that day was real and it greatly affected millions of real people. I know my life is not the same because of it. I wonder how many other people can say that. I would imagine just so many.

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Even my life - all the way in the Netherlands - was affected by it, I can honestly say that. It changed a narrative and created suspicions that have been felt all over the world. Take care <3

@kdtkaren do you have any problem with our comment? Don't tell me you are one of the bomber??

This was a great read. I lived in Southern California in 2001, but I visited the site in January 2002. It was devastating to see so many names written on the plywood erected around the site. Hundreds of photographs of the victims were stapled to the wood as well. There were memorials of flowers with candles surrounding the site. It brings tears to my eyes even today when I remember.

Thank you. I remember that time, too. I would walk down there after work just to kind of pay my respects.

Then I’d go get a beer and try to forget. But I couldn’t. You can’t with something like that.

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Was not there. Never experienced it, however, I felt the impact. It must be so horrible. You must be a hero to have survived. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to your next review.


RealityHubs Mod

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

Definitely not a hero.

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I also feel sorry for the people who died there, but you should also mention that the blame was not on shoulders of Afghanistan or Iraq people. And after all these years you can see USA is shaking hands with Taliban! Because they find out that after all these years of invading countries, they can't defeat that small group Taliban. Also you should mention that this was cause of more killing people in middle east for no reason. It is like if some kids killing other kids in a school in USA, then government should find all the family members or people related to those kids and killing them all. Either I would say your post is great. I was not there, but this day was abused by powers to kill more people. So let's cry for all the victims in the world.

I have nothing to do with those things and did not experience them firsthand. How could I possibly write about them with any impact? That is for other writers to present. I only know what I know. My only hope is that other folks who have directly experienced tragedy can share their stories. In that small way, we may be able to dissuade others from doing such things.

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

as I also mentioned I also feel sorry for what happened, people in those buildings were innocents. but you know man, 9/11 reminds me of wars and more death and blaming everyone and hiding the truth. but I don't mean you. I mean those who are creating reasons for war.

I saw an interview that Glenn Beck did and he also said that the smell was burned in his nostrils for a few months...please describe the smell?

I think it is described pretty well at the end of the piece. Soot, blood, dust, metal, flesh... Like maybe if you held a BBQ using materials painted with old lead paint as kindling, with people tack welding nearby, and a bunch of people sanding drywall and blowing the dust at you. Now imagine the whole of the southern tip of Manhattan (south of Houston down to Wall Street) smelling like that for half a year or so.

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Does certain things trigger flashbacks? I realize that the memories that you have will come to your mind, but do you ever feel the despair of that day?

Reading your story my hairs, stand!

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I cannot even begin to imagine the chaos and devastation - I think there are many people that are still struggling on this day even after all these years.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I want to thank-you for sharing your experience. I woke up to the news of the event by my alarm clock radio. Then made my way to work in downtown Calgary. Got in the elevator. And went to my desk. TransCanada energy, Structured Products. Derivatives trading desk. Yeah we were pretty directly impacted. My colleague sitting beside me was there with his family week before. That sombre feeling. I'm so grateful I did not have to smell that smell. Or hear those plains, or see those things for real ❤

9/11 was really an unpleasant event. May the souls of the victims rest in perfect peace.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

i remember seeing it on the television and i literally cancelled everything i was doing that day to watch it. i remember thinking that we might go to WW3 over it the next day, everyone changed that day. i think it woke a lot of people up.

You had done the great effort to write this post.Thanks to share your great experience

Unfortunate fact happened in the US, celebrating another year of that sad day. I wish that evil no longer exists in the world.

Do you remember what you were doing on that day?

Yes! I had stayed up late the night before submitting application after application to jobs. I woke up late, a little after it had happened and went to the grocery store, not realizing yet what was going on. Things seemed off... Kids were in the grocery store. It was a weekday. People were hustling about. There was a buzz to my little Polish neighborhood. Then I got in my car to move it to a new parking spot, turned on the radio, and looked up...

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Highly rEsteemed!

I was also there - as in literally in Tower 2 when the plane struck. I do my best to keep social media to a minimum on 9/11 cus just as you said most of it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, feels like exploitation.

How you survived ?? You should have been dead meat, rotting into soil now

I got very lucky. I was literally two or three floors just below impact. Just on the edge of disaster I suppose.

Respect. That must have been absolutely harrowing. Did you ever write about it, @scaredycatguide? Cuz it only took me 18 years to feel comfortable with my little experience that day. If you did, I’d love to read it. If not, I look forward to reading it.

I have written about it but not on any kind of social media or public forum. Not sure I will ever share it, it just feels like I'm exploiting it if I do. Thats just me though and personal opinion.

Needs to be talked about to keep honoring it though.

I will never forget. I am appalled at how quickly some seem to have forgotten or try to make believe it never happened.

You here for few dollars ??? Aren't you dude ??😂😂😂

I personally don't know the reason why the bombing happened and who were the persons involved and other things about the incident, but I take sympathy with all these people who have to suffer and witness the bombing attack.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment