lifewithlouis... Intro

in lifewithlouis •  7 years ago  (edited)

Graphic designer by day, photographer when I’m behind a lens. Some say pictures are worth a thousand words, but to me I’m happy with just one.
Like you, I’m curious. I’m intrigued. I am nostalgic…

What comes to mind when you see these photos? How does it make you feel.
We all have a story to tell. These are snapshots of my life. These are my stories.

Life could always be worse & Life could be a lot better.
This is the reality of it all. Cheers!!!

This is lifewithlouis.

"You shine, outlasting the darkest of nights." Pusher

"I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know..." Kid Cudi

"Icarus says to the sun." Coldplay!

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