The best guide for muscle gain. No bodybuilders language! I’ve been through this and I know how people overcomplicate it on different website.

in liftliveright •  6 years ago  (edited)



  1. There is no need to make a plan of what you are going to eat tomorrow. (just get your protein in)
  2. You don’t have to do tons of exercises, you are not going to gain more muscle that way.(you gain muscle when you recover after you brake it, which takes 1-3 exercises)
  3. Don’t listen to those big guys who say that you are not doing it the correct way, they got big not because they did it they way they are saying, they would get big even if they would do it your way.
  4. If you don’t feel your muscles while you working out and you are not sore, doesn’t mean your muscles are not going to grow or your workout was bad.
  5. People say you can't but you actually can loose weight and gain muscle!! All you have to do is eat 1800-2100 calories a day, having at lest 120g protein in it.

Getting actual gains is nothing like just go to the Gym and hit whatever comes to your mind first. Bodybuilders make us think that it ’s so hard that some of us don’t even want to start. But for real it’s simple. I’ll let you know what you actually need and what is actually important for gaining muscle. For homies who need, I will leave my workouts from beginner-pro. This is worked by at least 5 people so feel free to use.

There are 3 important parts of successful muscle gain:

  1. FOOD


  3. REST

I will go over all this 3 parts and make it as simple as it is.



⁃ if you are trying to gain muscle you have to eat little more then your organism actually needs.
⁃ To avoid fat gain you have to watch your calories to not eat too much.
⁃ Everyone says different numbers but try to eat 2800-3000 calories a day, no more no less.
⁃ Eat at least 140 grams of protein every day to build muscle
⁃ Even if you don’t watch your calories and don’t care about getting fat but still try to gain muscle you have to eat those 140g of protein
⁃ If you workout but don’t get your daily protein needs you will end up loosing instead of gaining muscle(you brake ur muscles while working out and if you don’t get rest and eat right your muscles can’t recover and get bigger)
⁃ Eat carbs 30 minuets before your workouts to get some energy.
⁃ Eat carbs and protein ones you get home after your workout(no rush)

Good protein sources:
⁃ Any kind of meat
⁃ eggs
⁃ Cottage cheese
⁃ Tuna
⁃ Milk
⁃ Peanut butter
⁃ Protein bars, shakes
⁃ Greek Yogurts

      (I will live workouts that I made and used-use)



⁃ There are many ways you can set your workout week but for those who is starting I will suggest working out 3 time in a rout times with a rest day after third day (3 days,rest,3 days, rest) . Use the same structure for 4-6 month but change the exercises routine every 3 weeks.
⁃ Every exercise you do 3 sets,6 raps
⁃ Only 20 second rest in between sets
⁃ A minute rest in between exercises

Day 1 (chest&back)

  1. Bench press
  2. Incline bench press
  3. Wide-grip seated cable row
  4. Lat pull-down

Day 2 (arms&shoulders)

  1. Biceps curls
  2. lateral raise(side delts)
  3. front dumbbell raise (front delts)
  4. Seated reversed on a pec deck machine
  5. Triceps push-down

Day 3 (legs)

  1. Squats
  2. Legg press
  3. Calf raises

( after 4-6 month constant workouts )

  • ones your body get used to this hard work its ready to go on

  • This time we are going to use 6 day 1 rest plan, you do each part twice before body rest. Some might ask “don’t I have to rest before I start the second round?” The answer is you let your body part that you did today rest when working on other parts tomorrow and the day after and get full body rest at the end. (6 day,rest,6 day,rest…)

  • Every exercise you do 3 sets,6 raps

  • Only 20 second rest in between sets

  • A minute rest in between exercises

Day 1 (chest&back)

  • Bench press
  • Incline Bench press
  • Pack deck machine
  • Barbell Deadlift
  • Close-grip pull-down

Day 2 (arms&shoulders)

  • biceps curls
  • Hammer curls
  • Triceps pull down
  • Lying dumbbell triceps Extension
  • Lateral raises(side delts)
  • Barbell shoulder press
  • Bent over dumbbell lateral raise
  • Day 3 (legs)
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Legg press machine
  • Calf raises

Day 4 (chest&back)

  • Dumbbell bench press
  • Incline dumbbell press
  • Cable crossovers
  • Single-Arm dumbbell row
  • Bent over row
  • Seated row

Day 5 (arms&shoulders)

  • Incline dumbbell curls
  • Cable rope hammer curl
  • Triceps kickbacks
  • Triceps dips
  • Standing front barbell raise over head
  • Arnold Press
  • Band face pull

Day 6 (legs)

  • Squats
  • Seated calf raise
  • Step-Up
  • Bulgarian Split Squat

Day 7 (rest)

That’s it for today. I hope you found this helpful. I’d wish you a good lock but you don’t need it here, its all on you. You want it? You work hard and get it. Feedback is important and let me know if you have any questions!

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