#LightTheWorld Day17 "ye shall meet together "

in lighttheword •  7 years ago 

#Lighttheworld Day17"Ye shall meet together."
3 Nephi 18:22

The Lord commanded that His followers should meet together often to strengthen one another. This applies not only to church congregations but also to families and communities.
It true that many times the solution to some issues is just coming together and our Lord Jesus Christ saw that it will not be possible for us to continue in relationships both with him and with our brethren.
looking at this in the worldly setting you will agree with me that most a times we just need that push from are friends, family, community or even the church in other to make that extra step. that is why our Lord Jesus Christ instructed us to always come together for the purpose of encouraging and strengthening of each other.

Ways you can spend time with family and friends.

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Fix Things Together:

Is the kitchen sink broken? Do you need to paint the study room wall? Children love to help fix things. To us, it may seem like a mundane task, but to most kids, it’s a wonderful chance to see what’s under the kitchen sink, to understand how a faucet works and just to cover an entire wall in paint. Fixing things together allows you to plan for the project and also gives you lots of time to interact.

Have Dinner:

Make it a point to leave work or schedule work for later in the evening so that you can make it home in time to sit down to dinner together. Eating dinner as a family allows you to be a part of their daily conversations and to answer any questions they may have come across during the day when you were apart.

After Dinner Walks

If you’ve already made time to have dinner with your kids, why not spend another 30 minutes going on a walk with them after dinner? In Singapore, this is the coolest and most pleasant time of the day. Once the table is cleared and the dishes are washed, go for a walk around your neighbourhood. Talk about the changes you see and what your children observe around them as you go on these walks. The act of walking whilst you talk may actually make it easier for children to bring up difficult topics or problems they face because they have something else (like walking) to focus on when they bring these subjects up.

Leave a Message

Children love surprises, so if you don’t have the time to see them in the morning before you leave for work, leave a short video or note for them to find. They will be thrilled to get a message from you and you will have had a chance to show that you are sorry you couldn’t spend the morning with them, but that you value it so much that you made an effort to leave them a surprise note or message.

Read together

Reading to your children or even companionably reading books together for half an hour each night are a great way to spend time together. Choosing books to read and discussing them are ways to share ideas and values with your children.

Bring Your Child to School or Class

Make it a point to bring your child to school or to any extra classes they may have. Doing this regularly allows you to spend more time together. Make travel time, together time!

Plan a Monthly Excursion

Think of a new place to visit each month. perhaps it’s a museum? A theme park or a water adventure park? Get your children to help you to plan the excursion

What can you do to put a smile on the faces of your neighbors?

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Give A Moment

The simplest and the most valuable thing you can give to a child is time. Rather than brushing them off to make your way to the next tourist site, spend some time to ask them their names, what they like to do, or their favorite games.

Get them tickets to a local event.

Is there a cool art museum in their area you think they’d enjoy? Maybe a craft fair or science exhibit you know they’d love? Get them two tickets and tell them to invite a coworker or new neighbor, or to take themselves on a solo date.
Organize a social gathering to bring everyone a little closer this holiday season.

Send a small bouquet of flowers to their home.

Who doesn’t love receiving unexpected flowers? Granted, make sure they’re not allergic to any, first. Google local flower shops in their area, see if any make deliveries, and bam, you’re in business!

it better to spend time with our family's, friends and our community.
help #lighttheworld by putting smiles on their faces.


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