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in limit •  2 years ago  (edited)

The life that ended in limits.
Started from a development of a foetus in a womb,
The development started when the cell divided in cells breaking the limit the cell membrane.
At birth breaked the limit amniotic sac and the naturally tied placenta.
Here Nature taught to break the limits naturally.
I have seen the world, now I was a living being surviving on my own breaths.
Later I surrounded myself in limits called the home.
Yes that limit was safe and secure, yes there I was nurtured.
Later, I saw the map of limits,
We live in a limit or we are taught to be in limits.
Sometimes by others and a lot of time by ours.
The limits never trap us in themself.
We trap ourself in them.
They do not exist naturally.
No no limits exist naturally, haven't you obeserved the nature.
Yes both the things are true.
There are limits in nature too but at the end or after the limit there starts another limitless thing, and when it gets limited another one starts.
Maybe the limit is the scale till where we can measure.
See the Universe there is no end of it.
There exists no limit.
Or maybe we haven't reached that limit, or it is a loop too, a never ending loop of everything in nothingness.

C'mon let's talk of the human limits.
Human are too limitless, it's just that we have limited ourself.
We are 1st limited to a space called home.
than limited to a society called village, later comes the limits of states and nation.
We decide our limits and we inhibit our growth.

Maybe the space am writing is also limited, or my thoughts are limited.

The limits are still limiting my thoughts,
I am breaking this limit of thinking daily and everyday I get a new limit.
But I am happy that breaking this limit I am growing daily.

Let's the Limits get limited and don't let them create your limits.

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Search for the limits and break them.....