WIP ---- Pantheist; a perfect way to explain my learning method (2 in 1 study).

in linguistic •  7 years ago  (edited)

  WIP -(there are too many synonyms; got tired after 2 hours writing; so there are quite a few).
--- Pantheist; a perfect way to explain my learning method (2 in 1 study).
They believe that godliness exists in; everything that exists; a stone is a piece of God; etc;. I think you could use a wide range of synonyms to collect what Pantheist(as in Pagan) means; I tried and I just saw how I can present one of my personal learning methods in an easy manner; which turned out rather nicely with this one word (this was long in my planning to once do).

An image that I found when searching on "pantheist"; seems to me hypocritical to list these things and then have a world movement but it somehow makes sense to wanna cooperate with people of similar mind even if there is a bridge between you and them.
Because that bridge is there so that you can learn more about the land that is around your "straight and narrow" path in life; not all bridges connect to goodness; also not pure evil just a lot of misconception about what is good and wrong (so it makes sense to differentiate).  

These are some of the synonyms that you can find as commonly listed but since these all mean diverse different things you can see how crazy we really are to even pay attention to those little details; life ain't that complicated; some parts are but 95% is just free throttle (auto-pilot; subconscious).   Here is a list of synonyms that I wish I could had given already earlier:   

- agnostic(unsure that god exists); skeptic; freethinker; materialist; unbeliever; doubter;  

- atheist; agnostic; pagan; skeptic; heathen; infidel; irreligionist; free thinker 

- doubter; cynic; questioner; skeptic; agnostic; disbeliever; unbeliever; headshaker; zetetic; 

- freethinker; agnostic; atheist; infidel; libertine; skeptic

- heathen; agnostic; barbarian; infidel; nonbeliever; pagan; skeptic; atheistic; godless; idolatrous; irreligious; profane.

- heretic; apostate; cynic; pagan; sectarian; skeptic;

- iconoclast; critic; cynic; dissenter; dissident; heretic; nonbeliever; questioner; radical;  rebel; REVOLUTIONIST; ruiner; skeptic; unbeliever; image-breaker; non-conformist; denouncer  

- idolater; agnostic; atheist; doubter; freethinker; heathen; heretic; iconoclast; infidel; pantheist; polytheist; scoffer; skeptic; unbeliever; idolist; paganist

- infidel; agnostic; atheist; gentile; heathen; heretic; pagan; unbeliever; nonworshiper; 

- polytheist; agnostic; atheist; doubter; freethinker; heathen; heretic; iconoclast; idolater; infidel; pantheist; scoffer; skeptic; unbeliever; idolist; paganist; 

- scoffer; detractor; doubter; pessimist; skeptic; carper; caviler; disbeliever; egoist; egotist; flouter; misanthrope; misanthropist; misogamist; misogynist; mocker; questioner; satirist; sneerer; unbeliever; doubting Thomas;

- skeptic; agnostic; cynic; dissenter; doubter; pessimist; questioner; apostate; atheist; disbeliever; freethinker; heathen; heretic; infidel; materialist; misanthrope; mis-believer; nihilist; pagan; rationalist; scoffer; unbeliever; doubting Thomas; profaner 

- unbeliever; agnostic; apostate; atheist; cynic; disbeliever; dissenter; doubter; freethinker; heathen; heretic; infidel; materialist; misanthrope; mis-believer;  nihilist; nonbeliever; pagan; pessimist; questioner; rationalist; scoffer; doubting Thomas; profaner

- idolist; atheist; doubter; freethinker; heathen; heretic; iconoclast; idolater; infidel; pantheist; polytheist; scoffer; skeptic; unbeliever; paganist

- paganist; agnostic; atheist; doubter; freethinker; heathen; heretic; iconoclast; idolater; infidel; pantheist; polytheist; scoffer; skeptic; unbeliever; paganist

Please let me know if you have any questions on how I use this but it pretty much comes down to "learn all you don't know".

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