→ Getting Busy With Coffitivity

in link •  7 years ago  (edited)

Now this is an interesting site I just stumbled onto the other day. In their own words:

Coffitivity recreates the ambient sounds of a cafe to boost your creativity and help you work better.

Besides the great name, it has an interesting purpose. Basically it is just a playlist of ambient coffee shop sounds. It sounds silly, but it does work. If you work at home but occasionally find yourself unable to concentrate and just wanting to go somewhere, give this a try.


You can get access to some extra tracks of different locations for a few bucks a year, but I find the free tracks are enough for me.


Link Blog

Back when I had my own website, I used to post a few random links everyday or every few days, in the style of http://kottke.org or http://daringfireball.net. Readers seemed to enjoy seeing them.

I'm still thinking about the formatting, but for now I will put an arrow (→) at the beginning of the title to show you guys it is a link post and that you can skip it if such things don't interest you.

Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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That's pretty cool, nice find. However, where is the link!? :)

haha thank you for pointing that out 😃 I wish I had seen your reply before I went to bed. Oh well, fixed now. Thanks again.