RE: → America's Border Horror Stories

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→ America's Border Horror Stories

in link •  7 years ago 

Was it torture when Obama did the same?

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If he did, it was. I'm not defending Obama. He even supported some of the policy that lets Trump and Sessions do this. But Trump decided to enforce it now, when he could have done something else. Trump, Session , lots of republicans justified the separation of children from parents. This is low, cruel, inhumane abuse of children and weak people that need help. It doesn't mean we'll let them in illegally, but send them back treating them with respect and compassion. BTW, lots are coming for asylum and this is not illegal entry.

"But Trump decided to enforce it now, when he could have done something else. "

So the problem is enforcing the law, not the law?

Can you see where it is beyond stupid for members of congress to cry foul about the laws they created being enforced?

It's illegal entry if you jump the border, if you really want asylum then you go directly to the port of entry.

In between catching them jumping the border and sending them back, what is your solution? Should the kids be separated or be in jail with the adults?\

Are you aware that the kids are at those facilities generally for 3 days or less and never for more than 5?

Have you ever asked yourself why tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors are coming here for asylum?

It's because Obama made a rule saying that unaccompanied minors get asylum, causing a flood of people to send their kids here alone. The solution is to change that rule.

There are so many factors and history that cause this situation that it's hard to cover all points in answer. And you raise good points,.

The law is perverse, and the legislators that passed it are as accountable of this situation (democrats and republicans the same.. it does not have any logic, at the end, these people make laws that are very bad for USA and american society). IMO, this is a nazi-style policy, that makes USA look very bad and do a terrible thing. One case is separating children from parents involved in violent crimes or that put children in some real danger, but the families coming through the border come together and separation only make things worst. And I know that the separation happens for 'legal' people as well, and in this is also bad in lots of cases putting children at risk (but lets leave this point for another thread)

The asylum seekers can't really get to the port of entry from the reports and interviews I've seen, and even when they do, they face many issues. There is some reason for them to try to get in illegally. The system is actually perverse, not giving real alternatives for people in need.

But again, Trump had the option and he went for the worst.

The illegal immigration problem is very tough. Things have been done so badly for decades. And the US, unfortunately, is very accountable for its horrendous foreign policy and interventionism in Latin America, that broke so many countries, creating bad living conditions and forcing people flee to survive (not all fault of USA of course, but accountability is very high).

Parents will send their kids alone only if they are desperate (of course, there are sick people everywhere that want to get rid or whatever). But the point is that if living conditions were reasonable, a lot more people would stay. In some countries, kids as young as 9-10 get recruited by the gangs and drug lords as soldiers. Parents will do almost anything to save them. Even risking their kids to get raped on the long way to the US border, just hoping for a better future. And here we catch them and put them in a cage, managed by a private company that makes money by having prisoners (another huge stupidity, but lets leave the private jail business for another thread..).

It'll be very hard to come up with a solution, but nothing inhuman and violent will achieve something positive. Part of the solution is helping other countries to develop real democracies and improve their economies, making up for the damage done. Hint: dropping bombs, building more military basis there, giving away free taxpayer money that will be used by the local oligarchy, and the like , won't help. People will prefer to stay if living conditions were decent, rather than getting illegally into another country. Most immigrants rather stay in their land with families and friends, this is probably true everywhere. There is no perfect solution, but if we had policies that are respectful to all people, it would be much better. Then we have millions of undocumented people in the country, some of them spending most of their lives here. Most are very hard working that contributing to the economy, producing more than they take. They should be given an option to stay, and keep contributing (it's an opportunity, in lots of countries the birth rates are lower and they won't be able to support their social security systems). Did you ever talk to somebody that crossed the border illegally and told you what they had to endure? These people are very strong, and can contribute a lot. Of course, it can't be a free lunch for all, but this is the hard part (still probably simpler to fix, cheaper and more productive than so many other things )_

Nazis didn't have anyone trying to run INTO Germany. And we don't bomb Mexico. My best friend was at one time an illegal alien but he is a citizen now. So your opinion that America should take everyone who comes? And when people illegally cross the border should they be held accountable or not?

No, can't let people enter illegally. They should be held accountable, but it doesn't mean that we have to separate them from their children or detain them for indefinite time.

They are not detained indefinitely, they also complain when people are held together, then they say Trump is keeping kids in adult jails. Usually they try to place kids with relatives in the US or send them home in 3 days.

They can be detained indefinitely, there are many of articles discussing it.

Lets be serious, keeping adults and kids on jail is one thing, keeping adult parents and their children together is another. It actually makes sense , deporting them together if they entered illegally and I would imagine it would be so much cheaper.

Still, the way the process was implemented is perverse. They can keep track of people's property, but not of parents and children. ... hard to believe that this has not been done this way on purpose.

Let's be serious, how can you know if someone is actually a child's parent or if they are a human trafficker? In cases where you are not sure then isn't the only right thing to do to separate them until you can figure it out for sure?

The detention facilities you have seen house children for 3 days maximum, the maximum can be extended to 5 days when there is a backlog, that is not indefinitely.

And the vast majority of the kids temporarily housed in those facilities were not separated from their parents, they came alone.

What has been done for what purpose?

I missed to make a comment ... some years back, it was published that thanks to some USA agency backed operation (I don't recall if it was CIA?) , thousands of firearms ended up in Mexico's drug cartels.

We aren't bombing Mexico but many other bad things get done to them.

Once again, to fix the illegal immigration problem we've to help fixing the root cause.

It was Obama's AG who lost a bunch of guns that ended up in mexico but of course that is irrelevant, the Mexican drug cartels don't need to get guns from the US, they can get them from anywhere, they like the best the ones we give to their military to fight them with, those are the best. Ending the war on drugs would go a long way to reducing illegal immigration but so would ending the policy of granting asylum to any unaccompanied minor or woman who claims she was abused. Those polices cause the unaccompanied minors to come.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)