Linker Coin signed MOU with Vibeo(token : VBEO)

in linkercoin •  7 years ago 

As a platform that enables free transaction between cryptocurrencies, Linker Coin announced on 3rd April that it has signed MOU and be the advisor for Vibeo, the blockchain-based social messenger platform.
Linker Coin and Vibeo aim to accomplish mutual development by establishing a cooperation system that will research and develop social network platform applied on blockchain technology. Recently, Linker Coin is getting its reputation not only from Jeonggon Mun (CEO of Linker Coin) who is acting as an advisor for ICO companies all around the world, but also Hansol Shin (CBDO·Chief Business Development Officer) who became the advisor for promising overseas ICOs.
Linker Coin also said “We are pleased to sign MOU and be advisor for promising ICOs. We believe it proves fruitful accomplishments we are making”. Also Linker mentioned “the partnership between both parties will accelerate the commercialization of blockchain-based payment & remittance system”.
リンカコインとビベオはブロックチェーン基盤のソーシャル・ネットワーク・プラットフォームを研究開発する協力体系を構築して相互発展を図ることを重点目標として手を組んだ。 最近、リンカコインのムンジョンゴン代表が、世界各国のICOアドバイザーに乗り出したのに続き、今回はリンカコインのシンハンソル海外事業企画総括(CBDO・Chief Business Development Officer)まで海外ICOのアドバイザーに進出し、リンカコインの底力を見せていると評価を受けた。

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