Linux is a family of free and open-source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel. Typically, Linux is packaged in a form known as a Linux distribution for both desktop and server use.
In this article, I am going to share some basic yet effective tips that will make your Linux experience even better. If you follow these best practices, you’ll have a more user-friendly system.
1. Check For Updates
First things first, check if your machine is running the latest components and features provided or not. Even though you might be sure that you have installed the latest version of Linux and make sure that it is LTS(Long Term Support) i.e. in case of ubuntu & stable so that there's no place for bugs. You can do so by typing following command in your terminal.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
2. Install Correct Drivers
After installing Linux, by default, you did not get any driver support like windows you have to try it manually. You can find what are default system drivers and what are the things that I needed to install. To know what hardware are present in your system you need to type the following command by doing so you can view which hardware is present in your system.
lspci && lscpu
By doing above which graphics card in your system what is the specification of your CPU how much memory is present and other hardware details. After knowing what are the hardware's are present in your system then you can search for its drivers over the internet and install it in your system.
3. Install Microsoft Fonts
I'm currently on Ubuntu other 12 servers are in VM so in my case I can simply install it with following command it also works on Linux mint if you're on it. On the other system, I did not try it yet but don't worry I have solution for it also. If you're in other distributions of Linux system then you can search it for required fonts and download your required fonts and simply double click to install it on your system. But in case of Ubuntu & Linux-mint simply type the following command in your terminal.
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
4. Install Useful Softwares
If you're new to Linux and don't know where to install those packages then don't I got your problem just simply follow this article and be patience. If you're a programmer that means you need software like an atom,notepad++, VisualStudio, sublime text editor etc. you can install that software from the internet by simply downloading them first you have to search required software name over the internet make sure you put deb in last i.e atom for Linux in deb. DEB is the Linux installable package format for example windows got example.exe .exe is the format of windows and in Linux, it is .deb after downloading required software open up the terminal and install them with the following command.
sudo dpkg -i downloadedsoftwarename.deb
After doing above command you're able to install and use the program in your Linux box. If you want to know what software you should install, I’ll recommend some useful Linux applications:
It is not compulsary to install above softwares it's just a recommendation so that you can save time for later searching for those.
5. Use Synaptic Package Manager
Synaptic is the package manager for linux so that user donot have to worry about any dependencies and related problems like that so it simply allows user to install linux programs in graphical environment you can install it by using following command if you're outside of ubuntu & mint you can search for deb package and install it manually. if you're wondering how to install deb packages goto point no. 4 above and see there.
sudo apt-get install synaptic
6. Beyond
So there you have it, essential things you should do to be well on your way to becoming a master Linux user.
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