Fortune is a really old program, I am not sure when it was created really.
However the program does not serve any purpose as such, it does not do anything you might consider useful, the only thing fortune can do is display a string of text coming out of a database, however the name is coming from "fortune cookies" so the pieces of text in the fortune program would mostly be possible to find in a fortune cookie.
Let me illustrate why I like this program so much. The other day I logged in to my machine (well not really I opened a terminal which always calls fortune), and the fortune it showed was
You don't know the trouble I have been
Now that is what I call funny.
Another good one I have had recently is
I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous
I think all of these are really nice.
There is also a lot of fortune programs for android, might even be some for iPhone (if you are unfortunate enough to be cursed with that).