I recently bought a G2 Mini PC with Windows 10, which I promptly removed room for installing Lubuntu 04.18.
The main problem is that this mini PC (but also others) has a bios 32bit while the processor is a 64bit, so if you install a 32bit Linux distribution will have no problems, but if like me you want to install 64bit Ubuntu boot will not start .
The problem is easily solved just create a USB key with Unetbootin, a fact you will have to copy the file bootia32.efi in the / efi / boot the USB key and you're done.
After installation work everything except the sound but this is easily remedied, simply install the kernel changed from Sundar Nagarajan commands are:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa: sundar-Nagarajan / cherrytux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cherrytux-headers cherrytux-image
After installing the new kernel will have Lubuntu operated fully with discrete performance saw the average low level of mini pc.