Things to do after installing Manjaro

in linux •  7 years ago 

Manjaro is a solid GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. It comes with some useful and commonly used softwares preinstalled.

However, since it's targeted at broad audience, sometimes we have to remove or add some softwares or tweak there behaviors to suit our needs.

Activate firewall

Manjaro is bundled with Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) but unfortunately it's disabled by default so we need to actvate it:

sudo systemctl enable ufw
sudo systemctl start ufw


Don't forget to add rules for a bittorent client if you use one:
Settings → Firewall Configuration → Rules

Enable autologin

If you skip this step during installation, this is the good time to do it.


To enable autologin in LightDM, edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and uncomment or add these lines:


Then type these commands in the terminal:

sudo groupadd autologin
sudo usermod -a -G autologin $(whoami)


To enable automatic login with GDM, add these lines to /etc/gdm/custom.conf:



To enable automatic login in LXDM, add this line to /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf:


Note: replace $(whoami) with your username. Changes take effect after reboot.

Disable/remove unneeded services and softwares

Who on earth still stores there documents on papers these days?

sudo pacman -R hplip cups splix

I'm willing to bet very few people will miss this:

sudo systemctl disable avahi-daemon

Install some softwares


It depends on personal taste, but I can think of some:

  • KeepassXC — who wanna memorize and type (without making mistakes) eJNZcLW75nwANkM7 into a login form?
  • Privoxy — I hate ads and this little bugger blocks them for me, indiscriminately, and works globally
  • Wireshark

Some browser tweaks

Private browsing (porn mode)

  • Firefox: firefox %U --private
  • Chrome/Chromium: chromium %U --incognito
  • Midori: midori %u --private
  • Opera: opera %U --newprivatetab
  • Vivaldi: vivaldi-stable %U --incognito
  • QupZilla: qupzilla %u --private-browsing

Annoying keyring popup in some Webkit-based browsers

  • Chromium: chromium --password-store=basic
  • Vivaldi: vivaldi-stable --password-store=basic

To avoid typing them in terminal over and over again, append these commands to there configuration files located in /usr/share/applications/. For example, to make Firefox open in private mode, add this line to /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop:

Exec=/usr/lib/firefox/firefox %u --private

Note: Unfortunately after updating Firefox you have to do it again.

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