Pro Tip: Make Your PC Faster With Preload

in linux •  7 years ago 

Screenshot from 2017-09-12 10-30-58.png

Preload is a nifty little application that makes your Linux PC faster by
20% to 60%. It works by prefetching the applications that you use the
most and keeping them loaded in the memory. So, when you launch
the application, it’s already in the RAM, so the application quickly
pops up.

Preload is an install and forget app. You need not do anything once
you install it. It will monitor the apps that you tend to use more and
creates a priority table and uses that to preload your most used
applications in the memory.

The more RAM your computer has, the better preload
works. Also it is not invasive and does not limit RAM
for other apps. Install Preload and give it a couple days
to analyze your computing habits, then enjoy a faster

To Install Preload on Ubuntu /Linux Mint, run the
below commands in the terminal (ctrl+alt+t)

sudo apt install preload

For Arch Linux/ Antergos/ Manjaro, fetch it from the

yaourt preload

Once you install it, no more actions are needed. Preload
will take care of everything. Preload needs to monitor
which apps you use more. So give it a day or 2 to show
results. Peace.

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