LINUXOPOLIS # 1,079 ~ CONKYsteemCreated with Sketch.

in linux •  5 years ago  (edited)


Building a Linux Habitat
willi glenz @ telegram
Published with SteemPeak

screenshot by willi glenz

vim ~/.config/fish/functions/

function gconky --description 'conky'
    clear; echo
    echo '=========================================================================='
    echo '                                 CONKY                                    '
    echo '~/.config/conky/conky.conf                                                '
    echo '=========================================================================='
    echo ' # apt install conky-all kcolorchooser                                    '
    echo ' $ apt show conky-all                                                     '
    echo ' $ man conky                                                              '
    echo ' $ mkdir -p ~/.config/conky/conky.conf                                    '
    echo ' $ cp /etc/conky/conky.conf ~/.config/conky/                              '
    echo ' # killall conky                                                          '
    echo ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    echo ' $ vim ~/.config/conky/conky.conf                                         '
    echo ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    echo ' conky.config = {                                                         '
    echo '     alignment = "top_right",                                             '
    echo '     background = true,                                                   '
    echo '     border_width = 1,                                                    '
    echo '     cpu_avg_samples = 2,                                                 '
    echo '     default_color = "green",                                             '
    echo '     default_outline_color = "white",                                     '
    echo '     default_shade_color = "white",                                       '
    echo '     draw_borders = false,                                                '
    echo '     draw_graph_borders = true,                                           '
    echo '     draw_outline = false,                                                '
    echo '     draw_shades = false,                                                 '
    echo '     double_buffer = true;                                                '
    echo '     use_xft = true,                                                      '
    echo '     font = "DejaVu Sans Mono:size=9",                                    '
    echo '     gap_x = 10,                                                          '
    echo '     gap_y = 50,                                                          '
    echo '     minimum_height = 5,                                                  '
    echo '     minimum_width = 5,                                                   '
    echo '     net_avg_samples = 2,                                                 '
    echo '     no_buffers = true,                                                   '
    echo '     out_to_console = false,                                              '
    echo '     out_to_stderr = false,                                               '
    echo '     extra_newline = false,                                               '
    echo '     own_window = true,                                                   '
    echo '     own_window_class = "Conky",                                          '
    echo '     own_window_type = "override",                                        '
    echo '     own_window_transparent = true,                                       '
    echo '     stippled_borders = 0,                                                '
    echo '     update_interval = 3,                                                 '
    echo '     uppercase = false,                                                   '
    echo '     use_spacer = "none",                                                 '
    echo '     show_graph_scale = false,                                            '
    echo '     show_graph_range = false                                             '
    echo ' }                                                                        '
    echo '                                                                          '
    echo ' conky.text = [[                                                          '
    echo ' $hr                                                                      '
    echo ' $alignc$cpugauge $memgauge                                               '
    echo ' ${color green}$alignc$nodename - $sysname $kernel on $machine            '
    echo ' $color$alignc${time %H:%M:%S}  ${addr enp1s0f2}  $uptime_short           '
    echo '                                                                          '
    echo ' ${color grey} Frequency ........:$color $freq_g GHz                      '
    echo ' ${color grey} Processes ........:$color $processes $running_processes    '
    echo ' ${color grey} Temperature ......:$color $acpitemp C                      '
    echo ' ${color grey} Network ..........:$color up   ${upspeed enp1s0f2}         '
    echo ' ${color grey} Network ..........:$color down ${downspeed enp1s0f2}       '
    echo '                                                                          '
    echo ' ${color grey} SWP $color${swapbar 4,106} $swapperc% $swap / $swapmax     '
    echo ' ${color grey}  /  $color${fs_bar 4,106 /} ${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}    '
    echo ' ${color grey}  ~  $color${fs_bar 4,106 /home/user1} ${fs_used /home/user1} / ${fs_size /home/user1} '
    echo '                                                                          '
    echo ' ${color grey}CPU$alignc$color$alignr$cpu%                                '
    echo ' $color${cpubar 4}                                                        '
    echo ' $cpugraph                                                                '
    echo ' $color ${top name 1} ${top pid 1} $alignr${top cpu 1}                    '
    echo ' $color ${top name 2} ${top pid 2} $alignr${top cpu 2}                    '
    echo ' $color ${top name 3} ${top pid 3} $alignr${top cpu 3}                    '
    echo ' $color ${top name 4} ${top pid 4} $alignr${top cpu 4}                    '
    echo '                                                                          '
    echo ' ${color grey}MEM$alignc$color$mem / $memmax$alignr$memperc%              '
    echo ' $color${membar 4}                                                        '
    echo ' $memgraph                                                                '
    echo ' $color ${top_mem name 1} ${top_mem pid 1} $alignr${top_mem mem 1}        '
    echo ' $color ${top_mem name 2} ${top_mem pid 2} $alignr${top_mem mem 2}        '
    echo ' $color ${top_mem name 3} ${top_mem pid 3} $alignr${top_mem mem 3}        '
    echo ' $color ${top_mem name 4} ${top_mem pid 4} $alignr${top_mem mem 4}        '
    echo ' ]]                                                                       '
    echo '=========================================================================='

screenshot by willi glenz

 github ................
 documentation .........
 man-pages ............. $ man conky
 fish ..................
 picture ............... screenshot by me ~ my gnome-desktop
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