Where will fresh buyers come from? From the bloated money markets.
6 days ago by haejin (88)
- Pending payout amount: $31.48
- (15.42 SBD, 1.07 STEEM, 53.72 SP, 53.72 TRX)
- Payout tomorrow
82 votes
- + ranchorelaxo: $21.585 (100%)
- + haejin: $4.140 (100%)
- + oppps: $2.059 (3%)
- + phoenix.suns: $1.364 (100%)
- + voiceofreason: $0.935 (100%)
- + karja: $0.582 (15%)
- + veryhappyday: $0.201 (12%)
- + harkar: $0.149 (15%)
- + ghasemkiani: $0.121 (100%)
- + armentor: $0.061 (100%)
- + brazilians: $0.049 (100%)
- + georgemales: $0.044 (100%)
- + jang: $0.036 (100%)
- + karianaporras: $0.015 (3%)
- + isotonic: $0.014 (100%)
- + alliedforces: $0.013 (100%)
- + yrika: $0.012 (30%)
- + thealliance: $0.009 (100%)
- + cyclope: $0.009 (87%)
- + saffisara: $0.009 (100%)
- … and 62 more