FLOSS Weekly 394: Lisk

in lisk •  8 years ago  (edited)

3:58 Max: could you explain what Lisk is and what problem does it solve?
4:34 Are you able to put code in the blockchain?
5:42 The Lisk blockchain: a decentralised database
7:20 How does Lisk compare to Bitcoin?
9:24 Lisk explained as a HUB with all its services
11:10 Lisk is not about mining
12:35 A delegate marketplace for developers
13:09 Why Delegated Proof of Stake?
15:35 Lisk is OpenSource with MIT license
21:51 Lisk is different from Ethereum. No smartcontracts, but you can run them on Lisk!

Two choices:

  • You can integrate the Ethereum VM into the Lisk sidechain
  • Let the Lisk delegate node also run the Ethereum blockchain

24:38 Hardforks on sidechains
27:33 LiskHQ is not focused on price but first on the product
31:02 Running a Lisk Dapp: Can it run in the browser or do you need a server node?
32:38 Lot of code received from the community. LiskHQ reviews/decides what to integrate
36:13 How did LiskHQ come togethe?r
39:14 Does LiskHQ have a testsuite to review new code?
40:21 Is there a Lisk whitepaper?

Whitepaper: https://github.com/slasheks/lisk-whitepaper/blob/development/LiskWhitepaper.md

41:42 How is LiskHQ going to make money?
43:46 What if the money of LiskHQ runs out?
45:45 Making money offering a Lisk node/service?
47:16 What skills do you need to develop on Lisk?
49:36 Lisk interest and potential?
52:12 Lisk blockchain services vs applications

  • Decentralised features for dApps like an IDentity service. The creator of the service can promote it on the Lisk marketplace and earn Lisk for the usage.

58:17 Enthusiastic about Lisk concept and possibilities

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I sometimes worry about bitcoin at night. There is some comfort in thinking that every night, we are getting closer to the moon.