The Independent Election Commission (KIP) of Subulussalam Municipality held a plenary meeting for the determination of the Provisional Electoral List (DPS) of the Mayor's Election and Vice Representative of 2018 of 52,571 people.
The plenary meeting was led by KIP Chairman Drs Syarkawi Nur accompanied by four commissioners Sumardi Pasaribu, Irwanto Harapan, Mulyadi and Alamin and Secretary of KIP Asmardin SH MH, in the Office Hall, Friday, March 16, 2018.
Program and Data Division, Irwanto Harapan said the number of DPS Election of Subulussalam 52,571 consisted of 26,110 male voters and 26,461 female voters from 170 polling venues in 82 villages in five sub-districts in Subulussalam Municipality.
"So the number of DPS in elections Subulussalam 2018 as much as 52,571 people or increase about one thousand people from the number of Permanent Voters List (DPT) during the elections of Aceh Governor Election 2017," said Irwanto.
According to Irwanto, the number of DPS 52,571 inhabitants includes Simpang Kiri District 21.208, Calendar 8.997, Rundeng 8.293, Sultan Daulat 10.125 and Longkib 3,948 inhabitants.
"KIP urges the people of Subulussalam who have not been submitted to the DPS, are required to report immediately to the PPS of each village, because there are still 10 days to repair before the DPT determination," he said.