The good behavior: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry

in listen •  2 years ago 

The apostle James describes in his letter, how the man who follows our Lord Jesus, should proceed with his neighbor: "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry" James 1:19.
When the apostle Paul speaks to us about being quick to listen to our neighbor, he speaks to us about the ability to perceive others with our intelligence. And this implies understanding not only the needs and intentions of the other, it is also placing ourselves in the role or in the place of the other, in other words, to exercise the spiritual faculty of empathy.
When we listen to people, we must understand that some have edifying intentions and others have destructive ones, know how to correctly discern people and not simply project our personality, into the other. Because if, when we deal with others the only thing we do is project our insufficiencies on those around us, that is where communication errors occur.
The wise man, the spiritual man of the gospel, is the man who knows how to practice the art of listening par excellence: perceive with attention, meditate with intuition and inspiration, decide with discernment and creativity.
This art is a manifestation of the immortal and eternal wisdom, of that wisdom that is a hidden treasure as Jesus explains in the gospels: "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field" Matthew 13:44.
Moderate the tongue and control our passions, the apostle also explains to us that we must live the gift of the fear of God, that is constancy, firmness, equanimity, stability. The listening and the fear of God are fundamental gifts for the true beatitude of man, these spiritual gifs describe the good behavior of man, this is the fundamental message of the apostle James.
The good behavior. Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1,19.jpg
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