Litecoin is on a role?

in litecoin •  7 years ago 

Alright guys day two in this blog/steem or whatever it's called nowadays.
I missed out on quite a bit due to some family/life issues needing to be worked out but this isn't the point of my posts. I'm not here to sulk about or discuss life things such as that.

Today I'm going to be looking at my favorite of the cryptos, Litecoin!

So LTC has been pretty steady with a few jumps here and there then back down to a happy medium. (with regards to it's latest grand rise above $60 USD)
Remember, I'm looking to day trade so the daily charts is the highest I will go.

I'm almost glad I missed out this morning as it seems that around 9:00 am it dropped quite horrendously. Sure I would have made a few other trades here and there with other cryptos but I think this really brings up a great opportunity for me (us?)
Since this drop Litecoin has been steadily and slowly climbing it's way up the ladder. I've been making some pretty small trades (profit wise) lately and still being in this what I like to call a bowl, but rising up the other side it looks like we can finally turn this $7 into something much more.
I'm no professional, nor am I a guru when it comes to reading charts. So take this as you wish and understand that I'm looking at this simply as a chance to get in on some gains in an opportune moment. I have faith that LTC will rise right back up. It's history show's some good stability when it rises in overall worth.

This brings up a point.

I think that any trader, myself included (getting back to my forex days) should have faith in their trades.
You will win some, you WILL lose some, but if you don't have faith you get antsy, you start to back out, second guess your decisions. And almost always these things will lead to a quick and painful ending.

But that's it for now. I apologize for the lack of actual content here, this is at the moment more like a diary of my trading than anything else.

I'll update yall when my holdings sell :)

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Nice post. I was about to start a similair discussion. The cryptospace definitely feels a bit inflated. However we also said that about the S&P 500 40 years ago Personally I always use: This site is really helpful in my coin research. I don't know any other sites with so much indepth analysis. See: For the Litecoin Research report.