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I really like the videos of @louisthomas. I wish that he would give his steem account more attention though! I have not seen him reply to comments.

Maybe he is using a service that publishes his youtube content on steemit automatically!

I will upvote it any ways in hopes he would pay attention.

Thanks Louis! ... I'm decidedly a LTC lover. As a small crypto player, the price is great at anything below $50. But as a small business owner, I really like it for it's stability. If you look back over this massive crypto run up, LTC has just seemed to keep going steadily up, falling of course with the market, but often gaining when the herd was losing. So I'm going to see what happens after 8/1/17 but likely start using Litecoin as my first ever cryptocurrency payment option ... :-)

Thank you for the synopsis. I just purchased LTC last night so you presentation is timely for me. Upvoted.

Thanks for this Louis.

The LTC/USD charts look so bullish too!!

My biggest question around Litecoin remains whether it is simply just a 'crypto risk on play', and whether it will go in the opposite direction once this Bitcoin stuff gets sorted out.

Do you (or anyone else here) mind going into a little more detail around your thoughts on this?

Where is the link to the shirt?