Now what is that about?
There is something about a chickun being involved...
Litecoin taking over
This all started when the developer of Litecoin, Charlie Lee, also known as SatoshiLite, used the image of Chickun 'O> for his profile. Now what was this all about. And it was only recently that is was becoming clear what it was about. Mister Lee had already caused some rumble by tweeting about selling all of his LTC. The reason being that he wanted to work full time on the Litecoin developement for the sake of that Crypto. And not for the sake of making money with speculating on the value of LTC. Next up were the usual FUD {Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt} spreaders spitting out their disease. To me though it seemed like the right thing to do. Although for those who agree in Cryptos for the get-rich-quick deal it might have been hard to grasp.
But all that set aside, what is it about actually? Maybe something like Cryptockitties, but then like CryptoChikkies on the Litecoin blockchain. Smart contracts running on the LTC blockchain, who knows. But it turned out to be connected to what became known as the flappening. It is the proces of Litecoin taking over Bitcash {BCH/BCC}. Yes, I have pulled out the coin part of that name, because we either say coin or cash. And as there already is a BitCOIN, it makes no sense to me to call other ones Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold or Bitcoin Atom. Instead I prefer to use: Bitcash, Bitgold, Bitsilver, Bitdiamond and Bitatom. (Suddently I had some great ideas for Steem Smart Media Tokens {SMT} or Bitshares User Issued Assets {UIA}, but psssst, Mum's the word!) Anyway what got to be known as the flappening had everything to do with Bitcash and Litecoin.
Chickun, the mascotte of Litecoin, was going to overflap Bitcash and the year for this to happen is 2018. For those watching Blocktivity closely already could see that Litecoin {LTC} is ahead of Bitcash {BCH}. It is double in most numbers, also in 24 trade volume, except for the market capacity. The Litecoin blockchain is even four times faster and handles about the same amount of transactions per seconds. And Charlee Lee, the Litecoin developer already stated he was open to raising the blocksize of LTC, if and when needed. Next big step forward for Litecoin was getting in business with some major Crypto players in the realm. Even getting their own payment systems, like Litepay going to compete with services like Bitpay. For any Crypto this is essential, get it to be used in day to day situations.
Dogecoin just behind Litecoin
Dogecoin also has more transactions per day than Bitcash, so it seems logical that when Litecoin takes over the charts from Bitcash the Doge will run passed it too, following LTC closely. Blockchains like Dogecoin and Litecoin started from zero, they both have an unique genesis block. Unlike Bitcash that carbon copied the Bitcoin blockchain, practicly taken all those blocks mined by BTC miners and attach a virtual value to it. To me that is still looting value out off Bitcoin {BTC} and creating an instat high, but fake, market cap that way. The small blockchain split group that was behind the hostile Bitcoin take-over seemed to have caused some damage to the whole Cryptos realm, yet it is clearly losing ground. Even though Bitcoin itself seems to have tough time recovering. There is a lot of FUD out there, causing panic sells. While many wait to BTFD {Buy The Fogging Dip}. And no matter what, Cryptos are here to stay, but it might take a while to get more people in again.
But the flappening has begun already, where Litecoin is going to overtake Bitcash. And I think it would be great to see it happen even before the second quarter of 2018. It will drop the value of Bitcash {BCH} and most of it will then move into Litecoin {LTC}. But not only that, for me DOGE will run passed Bitcash, in market cap at one point in 2018, just like DigitByte will. Basicly meaning that it will be the end of Bitcash, as far as I see it. Segwit getting more and more support, Lightning Network going to show what it is capable of. Meaning that besides Bitcoin {BTC} other SegWit / Lightning Network/ Atomic Swap supporting Cryptos like Litecoin {LTC}, Vertcoin {VTC} and DigiByte {DGB} will do well. Decentralized EXchanges {DEX} will gain a lot of attraction in 2018. Which is good news for Bitshares and Steem too.
Yes, Litecoin okay, but Dogecoin...!?
There are payment services that accept DOGE. And I use it myself for interchain value movements. For this I do use Blocktrades almost all of the time. And, in contrary to the recent smear campaign, Dogecoin is still being actively developed. It is closing in on releasing version 1.15. One great thing about Open Sourced projects is that it can move on when new developers move in. And in the meantime there is also a DogEthereum team working on Atomic Swaps between the Dogecoin blockchain and Ethereum. Playing with words that they are doing it Dogether.
Different paths to different solutions, Dogecoin still is moving forward, but in the direction of Ethereum. And who knows what will happen when EOS goes live on its mainnet? The year 2018 will be a memorable one for the whole Cryptos realm. After the mainstream breakthrough in 2017, with the total market capacity getting close to 1 trillion US$, I think 2018 will first have a shake out. Many Cryptos will become superfluous, scam ICOs will get exposed and the forking blockchain split clones will lose a lot of their fake, looted, value. This cleansing of the Cryptos realm I see as happening right now. Even though there seems to be a slight recovery ahead, and Bitcash is being pumped right now, it might take way into april 2018 before a more clear picture will become visible. But as far as I forsee it there will be great times ahead for the Cryptos that will survive the cleansing. So, I will HODL and even might BTFD...
Still remember to only invest in Cryptos what you are willing and able to lose!
May the Cryptos be with us!
2018, the year of the flappening, where Litecoin takes over Bitcash

_Screenshot taken at Flappening Watch.
Time to hatch some eggs!
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Absolutely, I expect them to crack open somewhere in may 2018!
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Investeer je ook in crypto @smasssh?
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Yep. Steem (uiteraaard), ltc, doge, xvg, dgb en rdd. Behalve ltc, alles lange termijn.
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Heb het vandeweek ook gehad met een post.Leuke coins heb ze wel niet,kan niet in alles ook investeren
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Yep. Steem (uiteraaard), ltc, doge, xvg, dgb en rdd. Behalve ltc, alles lange termijn.
Edit: dubbel antwoord, Steemit weer kuren?
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Ik heb een vraag ik heb volgende week bij de rabobank een avondje .
dan komt er een hoge pief(topman) praten en uitleg geven over crypto. me vader vroeg of ok mee wou. ik heb ja gezegt omdat ik wil weten hoe rabobank over steem denkt. ik ga er iedegeval paar goeie vragen stellen.
mijn vraag is hebben jullie mischien slimme vragen of stellingen die ik daar dus kan vragen
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Je kunt vragen over Rabobit. (De site is overigens inmiddels verwijderd). Gaat de Rabobank door met Cryptos toevoegen aan hun diensten?
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ga ik vragen rabobit ik had er nog niet van gehoord.
ik dacht zelf dat ze ook met steem bezig waren maar dat ga ik dus vragen of dat klopt
THX mocht je nog meer vragen kunnen bedenken hoor ik het wel en ik kom er op terug.
fijne avond
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Zelfs Steem? Dat zou geweldig zijn!
Prima, als ik nog wat weet geef ik het door.
Fijne avond verder!
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idd dodge coin kut coin onvoorstelbaar lol
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Dogecoin vind ik eenvoudigweg fantastisch. En ik denk dat het de grote Crypto voorjaarsschoonmaak prima gaat doorstaan. :-)
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Ik maak mij ook geen zorgen over mijn investeringen juist mijn laatste 6 ico ik heb meegedaan doen het slecht, hou juist niet zo van hoge supply coins niet dat je er ook veel gains mee kan maken!! maar is lastiger toch groetjes @oaldamster
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Heb zelf meerdere Cryptos in mijn portfolio. Dogecoin is voor mij een praktische in dagelijks functioneel gebruik. Door omstandigheden heb ik behoorlijk wat Doge verzameld. Zou fijn zijn als het weer richting een eurocent gaat.
Maar ook m'n EOS en andere Cryptos mogen weer stijgen wat mij betreft. ;-)
Groetjes retour @traderr
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Nice post. I understand a little about its.
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Hope I was able to clear it up for you a bit.
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