RE: Litecoin Updates Coming - Even Cheaper and Faster Transfers

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Litecoin Updates Coming - Even Cheaper and Faster Transfers

in litecoin •  7 years ago 

How would you compare LTC to ETH? (If this is a naive comment, please forgive)...I am new to this arena and looking to learn before going in with both feet.
It seems like anyone can find an argument for or against any coin/token on the market.
So my question would be why LTC and not ETH?

Thanks for any help.

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LTC is a lot easier to just use as a currency unless you need to buy an ICO or use smart contracts litecoin is a lot cheaper and practical. I hate having to calculate gas and all that I like seeing a flat fee!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Right now take what ever money you can afford to loose ( read the afford to loose again.)Then split the purchase in half or 75 to 25 if you want. Both are good coins but they serve different functions.